Better Place

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"Well well, what do we have here?" Akeno and I turn to face the voice, but before we did I knew exactly who it was. What we are greeted with is a taller man with black hair and a beard.

"Baraqiel," I say neutrally. He looks pissed off, and if he's connected the dots it makes a lot of sense.

"I'm not here to talk to you traitor," he spits at me. He makes his way towards Akeno but she backs away from him. He continues but I get between them.

"You should probably leave, for your sake."

"Like hell I will! I'm not going to let some lowlife traitorous bastard tell me I can't talk to my daughter!" I control my breathing, not wanting to blow up on him. If I did he would get exactly what he wanted, which wouldn't be good for anybody.

"Y/N is right," Akeno says. "You have no place here. I'm not sure how you found where we were, but you are not welcome here." The rage in Baraqiel's face is very apparent. He raises his fist and tries to swing it at me. Emphasis on tries, as I grab it and start crushing his wrist.

"I'm not going to stand here and let you talk to me like that Akeno. I did what I could for you-"

"Shut up!" Her yelling at him even surprises me. "You were no father to me! Mom was killed because of you, and I was forced away because of what you are! The only reason I've been able to accept the fact I'm a fallen angel is because of Y/N. Because even when I hated him he still wanted the best for me, and he's done more in the short time I've known him than you ever did!" By the end of her speech she is in tears, and I step back to put my arm around her. She starts crying into my chest, and I give Baraqiel a cold stare.

"I'll give you to the count of five to get out of my god damn home," I say calmly. "If you don't, then Azazel will get another high ranking member of Grigori in a body bag." Baraqiel shakes his head. "I'm stronger than you are now, and I know that for a fact. One."

"Prove it." I show him my twelve black wings, something that puts me on the same level as Azazel. The look on his face is something that I'll remember forever, as it's one of pure terror. "How is this possible?"


"You were nothing. How do you have this power?" My fuse is getting shorter.

"Three." I let go of Akeno and start walking towards Baraqiel. "Four."

"Fine," he says. "I will be back though."

"Not if you know what's good for you," I respond as he leaves the shrine. I put my wings away and go back to Akeno, who is still crying but she's started to calm down. My arms go around her and she holds on to me tightly. "It'll be okay Akeno, he's gone." It isn't very late yet but I can tell Akeno is tired after what transpired.

"We should go talk to Rias about this. She might know what to do." At first I'm hesitant but I know Akeno is right. Besides, this is another occurrence of a high ranking fallen angel trespassing in an area controlled by the Gremorys. Of course I was the first but things are different now.

"That's a good idea. We should probably wash up beforehand." Akeno nods and the two of us make our way to the shower. The entire time she's very quiet, in a manner I haven't seen since we met. I know what's wrong though so I don't press her on it. After a quick shower the two of us make our way to Issei's, opting to walk instead of fly or teleport.

"Y/N, can I talk to you about something?" This can go many different ways.

"Of course, what's on your mind?"

"I'm just on edge now after what happened. We just talked about it last night and we're already having to face it." I put my arm around her to try to calm her nerves.

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