Still Worth Fighting For

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A Couple Days Later

"So where did Kiba end up going?" I ask Akeno as we leave for school.

"We don't know. He just left. Issei tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen." I put my arm around her as we enter campus.

"I'm sure he'll come back. Whatever he left to find can't keep him for too long. I wish he would have talked to me about it that way I can help him." Akeno shakes her head. The only thing I know is there was a club meeting at Issei's house, Kiba started acting out, and now he's gone. I was told he most likely wouldn't be at school today. I ended up missing what happened, and now I'm wishing I didn't. The two of us find Rias and she seems really upset. I put my arms around her.

"It'll be okay Rias. I'm sure he will come back." She nods and the three of us go to class. Since the fight with Riser Rias has become more of a sister to me, and as class starts I can tell Rias isn't paying much attention. I don't blame her as I've had my own trouble with that, but not for the same reason. Ever since I was told about my mom all I can think about is going to see her. I haven't brought it up to Rias, but I think I should if not for closure. The day drags on and once it's over we walk to the club, but Rias talks to me before we arrive.

"Just so you know, there are two members of the church coming today. Please behave Y/N." I give her a chuckle.

"As long as they aren't coming for me I don't give a fuck. I have a feeling there's a bigger reason to them being here anyway." We arrive at the club and everyone arrives. A few minutes later two girls in white cloaks come walking in, and they sit on the couch across from me as Rias sits next to me.

 A few minutes later two girls in white cloaks come walking in, and they sit on the couch across from me as Rias sits next to me

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"So what do members of the church need with my household?" Rias asks.

"I know it seems a bit random, but hear us out." I lock eyes with the blue haired one as the other one keeps talking. "We have six holy swords we can account for. Three of which are in the possession of the church. The other three are in possession of the fallen angels."

"That's kind of heavy," I interrupt causing everyone to look my way. "I never heard about that."

"What do you mean by that?" I stand and show my wings to them.

"I'm a fallen angel, but recently I've left the Grigori. I have no quarrel based on race, and these devils have taken me in. I was with them up until a month or so ago." I sit back down.

Rias gets the meeting back on track. "So where do we fall into place?" The blue haired girl speaks up.

"It's simple really. All we ask is that you stay out of it, especially you fallen angel." I try to say something but Rias stops me.

"That sounds like an accusation. You're worried we would side with the fallen angels to prevent you from getting the swords? No need to worry. I will never side with the fallen angels as to not besmirch the great name of my brother, no offense Y/N." The two girls nod.

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