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Six Months Later

Akeno POV

"Honey you look so beautiful." I turn to my mother. "Y/N is one lucky man."

"He is, but I'm lucky too." A lot has happened in the last few months so let's back up. After my mom was brought back and my dad was back in my life things changed drastically. Of course Y/N was there through all of it, and I couldn't be more proud. My parents have both accepted him as the son they never had, and soon enough he will be. We ended up going to the underworld for summer and fortunately they let my mom come with us. Normal humans aren't supposed to have passage to the underworld, but Sirzechs was willing to make an exception.

When we all arrived Y/N was being treated like any other devil and not a fallen angel. Rias' family treated him with complete respect, and surprisingly he did the same. There were a couple moments where it seemed like Rias' dad was going to fly off the handle at Y/N, but everyone stayed composed. There was a meeting to have the Norse join the three factions and Y/N was given the duty of protecting Odin during his stay in the underworld, which changed pretty quickly when Loki attacked. Fortunately Y/N and Issei were able to take him out.

Since returning it's been occasional fights with the Khaos Brigade but having Y/N and the Vali Team made everything easier. We've finally gotten the time for our wedding to be planned out and the both of us are glad the day is here. A lot of stress led to this moment, but I wouldn't have picked anybody else to be by my side but Y/N. He's still the same quick witted guy I fell in love with, but he's able to distinguish when it's time to be serious. Him and my mom hit it off very quickly, and he treats exactly how he treats me, maybe even a little better.

Dad made good on his promise and has visited every weekend to see my mom and I. Things got kind of complicated when Y/N would get busy, but with the fighting against the Khaos Brigade slowing down he has more time for me and my family. Dad and Y/N became really good friends even after everything that has happened between them. They look back on when Y/N was serving with my dad with laughs instead of anger.

Another person that has been close by is Kuroka. She's joined Y/N and I in the bedroom a couple of times since our engagement, and she's become a very close friend of mine. Her and Koneko have gotten so close as well and it's crazy to think there was a time where the two didn't see eye to eye. That kind of reminds me of someone, I just can't put my finger on it.

A knock arrives at the door and in walks Rias. "You look amazing Akeno."

"Thanks Rias." She comes my way.

"I'm so proud of you Akeno. My best friend getting married so soon after meeting her fiancé, it's crazy. As your master and best friend I couldn't be happier for you."

"Thank you. Do you think he's going to cry when he sees me?"

"If he doesn't I'll give him a reason to cry." Rias has been amazing through the time since Y/N and I got engaged. She became the primary wedding planner, which neither of us asked her to do but she wanted to. Ultimately both of us allowed her to do it and we've gotten where we are now. Her and Issei have finally established an actual relationship, even though there are a few more bachelorettes fighting for his heart. Father enters the room and Rias makes her way out.

"Time for you to go Akeno." He extends his arm to me and I take it. "You look beautiful Akeno. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks dad, let's just get me married now. Y/N and I have waited long enough." The two of us make our way to the aisle and start walking.

3rd Person POV

The crowd of people at this wedding look at the bride and her father with bright eyes. Not only does the bride look stunning, but time was that she would have been walking the aisle alone if not for Y/N. The dress Akeno has on is quite long, and to say it fits her body well is an understatement. While this wedding wasn't in a church due to it being a devil and a fallen angel, many staples remain. Of course with the current way the system looks and the help Y/N has given the angels they probably could have sprung on a church and been fine. Instead they're outside and letting the cool breeze blow.

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