Chapter 2: Bakugo likes WHO?!

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"Okay can anyone answer the question?.....anyone...." Mr. Aizawa says. Yaoyorozu, with one hand on her chin, ponders about the question.

"Hm... this is a simple question, yet I've forgotten it, I should've paid attention in 5th grade... it might be 16 or it could be 42 or maybe 63...hmm.... wait why am I guessing?" Izuku mutters.

Suddenly, Izuku raises his hand "25!"


"22!" Yaoyorozu says.

"Correct" Aizawa says sleepily.

a/n my voice cracked trying to do the ring sound XD

"Gah! I'm up!" Kaminari yells jumping off his seat and landing on his butt.

"You idiot" Jiro says.

"I heard that!"


"Everybody go to lunch... I need to catch up on my 3rd nap... Zzzzzzz...." Mr. Aizawa yawns.

As everybody goes to lunch, Kirishima, Mina, and Bakugo stayed behind.

"Hey, bae, we need to talk to Bakugo" Mina says.

"All right" Kirishima nods.

- Meanwhile at Lunchrush -

"Midoriya, you almost got that question right. Keep working and I'm sure you'll get it!" Iida says as he chops air, as always.

"Thanks Iida, but I kinda guessed.. hehe.." Izuku says, with his hand on the back of his head.

"Hey guys!! Wait up!!" Ochako yells.

Both of them turned to her. As she got closer, she slowed down to catch her breath. She was obviously running.

"H-hang on.. *pants* g-gotta catch m-my breath *pants*" Ochako says, breathing heavily.

"Hello there Uraraka" Iida says with food in his mouth.

"Uraraka are you ok?" Izuku asks worriedly.

"Yeah... no worries!" Ochako says somehow getting all of her energy.

-Back at the classroom-

"Hey, Bakugo?"


"We need to talk" Mina says.

"Talk?! Talk about what dimwits?!" Bakugo loudly says.

"Ok man, first of all I am OfFeNdEd! And second of all we just wanted to ask you something important." Kirishima said.

"If it's that stupid theory that Kaminari started that says that I am a pomerian, then get lost ya dipshits."

Good bye innocent mind of mine that has gone years without cursing

"Do you... like Uraraka?" Mina asks.

Bakugo was speechless




Sorry mystic I have broken my oath to no cuss...


Anyways I'll probably update later or maybe tommorow. Idk honestly...

Anyways I'll see y'all later!!

The Kpop weeb is out

Word Count: 312

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