Chapter 11: Hanging with the family

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As everyone laughed, Eri noticed something. She pointed toward it and tried to let her 'parents' know. Izuku and Ochako turned around but saw nothing.

"She was probably pointing at that plant over there." Izuku said. Ochako shrugged.

"Give her to me!" Ochako pouts when she sees Izuku and Eri playing. Eri saw this and began playfully hitting her father's hair.

"Owwie!" Izuku said. Eri copied his words. Kinda.

"Owwo" Eri tried to say. Everyone's hearts melted.


The door opened and a surprising guest came. It was All Might.

"Hello students! I AM HERE!" All Might said.


Ochako hit his head softly.

"NO cursing in front of Eri!!" Ochako said.

"Ca..!" Eri babbled. Ochako gave him a death glare.

"I'm sure she'll learn all of the cuss words before she's 5" Todoroki said.

All might just watched this happen.

"Young Midoriya, may I talk to you?" All Might asked.

"Um sure!" Izuku said.

As soon as they were out of sight, All Might proofed back into his skinny form.

"Is that Eri?" All Might asked.

"Um yeah, long story" Izuku said.

"Do you know what is happening in U.A currently?" All Might asked.

"Eri coming here..?" Izuku asked.

"I'll tell you later..." All Might said.

-In an unknown location-

"I think they're on to us..."

"Don't worry, Shigaraki. I handled everything."

"But those brats almost saw you... dammit... why can't we attack them sooner.... we need to get that little brat, Eri." Shigaraki said.

"He's getting worse by every day..." Kurogiri thinks.

"Hey, Shigaraki!" Dabi says as he opens the door. Toga and Mr. Compress come in. Well, more like Mr. Compress came in... Toga got slammed in the face by the door, because Dabi didn't hold it.


"Shut up..." Shigaraki says as he scratches his neck.

"We need a plan..." Shigaraki says " And I have a great one..."



So how'd y'all like the chapter? Sorry if I couldn't update soon..

Guess what..?

This book has over 520 views!! YAAAYYY

Thank you guys so much!!! I owe y'all one.

Oh! And guess what?
Ima be a DJ at a wedding that was planned by Mysticstream321 , YeEt_ThEpOtAtO , and Bistratto_Infinito07 .


Anyways thanks so much guys!!
Byeeeeeeee 💕💕💕💕

Word Count: 382

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