Chapter 20: Boredness and plans

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Once everyone finished breakfast, it became awfully silent. It was a nice silent though.

"Ah brrpprrp" Eri babbled.

"Yes honey! Airplane! Say airplane! Air-plane!" Ochako said, trying to teach her how to say airplane. Little did she know, Eri doesn't know what an airplane really is.

"Guys I'm boreeeed" Kaminari whined.

"Well what do ya wanna do?" Sero asked.

"I don't know... but I'll gladly do anything! ANYTHING!" Kaminari said.

Iida sighed as he fixed his glasses.

"I'm afraid Kaminari's right. We have nothing to do today."

Suddenly an add came up. (They had the TV on for Eri) It was talking about swimsuits half off.

It appeared as in a light bulb appeared above Kaminari's head.

"That's it! That's what we should do!" Kaminari said excitedly.

"Buy swimsuits...?" Toga asked.

"No, we should go to the beach!" Kaminari said.

"Hmm.. I wouldn't mind some quality time with my brother..." Dabi said.

Shoto nodded.

"I think Eri would be thrilled to go to the beach, don't ya think Deku?" Ochako said.

"Yeah!" Izuku said smiling.

"Well then, I guess it's settled! We're going to the beach!" Mina said.

"But wait I don't have a swimsuit" Jiro said.

"Me neither" Most of the girls say.

"Yeah we don't have swimsuits either...." Kirishima said.

"Well then I guess we're going to the mall!" Mina said excitedly.

"Geez you're so hyper Ashido!" Yaomomo said.

"B-but there's nothing wrong with that..!" Kirishima said.

*[smug faces]*

"W-what?" Kirishima asked.

"Oh nothing" Toga and Hagakure said.

So guys what did you think of the chapter? Sorry if i haven't updated as often! It's been, what?, a month?

Geez I really should start to update more often...

Anyways I've been sucked into the owl house fandom and I've been specifically stuck on Lumity.... gosh they're so cute together 🥺🥺

But other than that I have nothing else to say so I'll try to update as often!

See you guys! Byeee!! 💜💜

Word Count: 328

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