Chapter 12: Hm...

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"W-what happened..?" Bakugo asks himself.

"Welcome again.. *chuckles*... Katsuki Bakugo..." Shigaraki says, as he enters the room. Bakugo finds himself hand-cuffed, and strained to a chair.

(I don't know just bare with me here. My stupid Mexican ass sometimes doesn't know what type of English words to use...)

"Ehh?!?! Why am I here?! How did I get here?!?! And most importantly why are YOU here?!" Bakugo said.

"Heh..." Shigaraki only chuckled.

"Now, now Katsuki Bakugo... don't stress... or I'll kill you... and we don't want that, do we..?" Shigaraki says, taunting him.

-At Heights Alliance-

"Hey, where do you think Bakugo is?" Kirishima asked.

"I don't know man.. isn't he YOUR best friend?" Kaminari asks.

"Yeah, and aren't you his phone charger?" Jiro asks as she is coming down stairs.

"Oh cmon Jiro!!!" Kaminari whines adorably.

"Shut up..!" Jiro says as she blushes.

"Come to think of it.. I haven't seen him all day" Iida says.

"Yeah, I wonder where he is.." Ochako says as he bounces Eri on her chest "or Izuku..."

-With Bakugo-

"You're damn wrong if you think I'll still join your gang of little dipshits and fucktards!" Bakugo says, as he looks at all of the members of the league of villains.

(I think I went a little over my cussing limit..)

"You BRAT..!" Shigaraki says, as he scratches his neck.

"Tomura, NO" Kurogiri says, as Shigaraki gets prepared to attack.

"No leave him alone!" Toga says as she jumps in middle of them. And Dabi does so too.

"Huh? What are you doing?! Get outa the way?!" Shigaraki yells.

"Um- don't yo think it's better to do it later..?" Toga says.

"Yeah, imagine if we killed him in front of All Might.." Dabi says, trying to convince him.

Shigaraki looked at them weirdly.

"Fine. But we'll do it quick."

-Outside of Heights Alliance-

"Young Midoriya.. I need to ask you something.. have you told young Uraraka about... One For All..?" All Might asked.

Izuku was about to speak, when a voice interrupted him.

"One for all...?" Ochako asked.


Hi guys wassup!! How'd y'all like the chapter? Oh guys I just figured out that I have 690+ views!! Thanks so so much!! 💚💖💚💖💚

I'll see y'all next time!! Byeeeeeeeeeee!!!! 👋

Word Count: 377

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