Chapter 6: Deku?

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"... bring backup"

That was the last thing Ochako heard before she got stoped by a Nomu.

-At Heights Alliance-

"Sir! Shouldn't we do anything about it!" Ojiro said.

"We- we can't....." Mr.Aizawa tried to say as he was looking at the TV.

Izuku, however, just returned from training and saw the TV.

"..." Within the blink of an eye, Izuku headed out of Heights Alliance, subconsciously uses One For All.

-Back to Ochako-

"What can I do?! What can I do!?" Ochako kept thinking. Then she got and idea.

She used her quirk on herself and jumped roof to roof, but the Nomu followed.

Suddenly, the Nomu grabbed her arm, and tried to take Eri away.

Ochako, however, wouldn't let this happen.

She used her quirk on the Nomu and tried to push him since he's weightless.

But as soon as she did that, the Nomu somehow was just too heavy.

Ochako started to hug the baby in her arms to make sure she was safe before the unthinkable happened.

As the Nomu rised and began to get ready for a punch, a green streak of lightning passes through her.


Was the last thing Ochako said, before passing out of fatigue.


"Ochako!" Izuku shouted.

Just then he noticed a baby within her arms. And he seemed to recognize that baby...

"......]Eri..?" Izuku said clearly confused.

Just then he heard the Nomu twitch, so he picked up Ochako bridal style, and ran to Heights Allience.

"Please, Ura- no... Ochako... tell me you're ok... I don't want you to get hurt.. b-because

I love you......"

-Back at Heights Alliance-

"Why do you think Midoriya went out the door like that?" Todoroki asked.

"Because he's a damn nerd, that's why..." Bakugo said.

"Mm..." Mina says.

Suddenly, the door opened. It was Izuku and Ochako. But what surprised them the most was that in Ochako's hands was a baby. One look at the baby, and Aizawa came rushing down.

"Stop.." Izuku could barely say.

Aizawa stoped dead in his tracks.

(They scared the heck out of Aizawa)

Izuku went to the couch and gently sat down at set Ochako on his lap.

(Protective boyfriend I see 😏😏😏)

And he passed out.


Yesssss I finished!! I didn't put a picture because im dead lazy...

Anyways what yall think?  I always accept constructive criticism

i hAvE nOtHiNg eLsE tO sAy sO bYeEeEEeEeEeEeEee

Word Count: 373

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