Chapter 5: Problems

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"I bet 200 dollars it's Midoriya!"

Ochako blushed and instantly knew that Mina hit the jackpot... literally.

As she walked out of Heights Alliance, she smelled the fresh air and the pollen.

(Something I cant do because of my stupid allergies)

Then she started walking. But she didn't have a destination to walk towards. She was just aimlessly walking around, enjoying nature.

Soon enough, she got to the city. She was walking past an alley, when she heard crying. It sounded like a baby.

Out of instinct, she rushed inside the alley, only to be stabbed in the arm.

"Augh! STOP!" Ochako screamed.

There in the darkness came a villain.

Holding a baby.

"Ugh she reminded herself! What do we do!?" The villain said into a phone "some kid discovered us..... Yes sir."

Suddenly blades came out of his arms and legs and chest.

Obviously that's his quirk.

Ochako looks at the baby determinedly.

"LET HER GO!" Ochako shouts.

"That baby looks oddly familiar... is it... no-i-it can't be.."

"ERI!" Ochako shouted.


Silence falls upon the alley, making both Ochako and the villain uncomfortable.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Ochako screams, breaking the silence.

In the blink of an eye, the villain came rushing at Ochako, with a blade sticking out his hand. Luckily, she remembered what the Pro-hero GunHead taught her.

But it was no use. The villain was too strong.

They kept fighting for a while until 2 Pro-heroes show up.

"We'll take it from here!" One of them said.

"Take the baby to the hospital!" The other one said.

Ochako did as told and started to run to the nearest hospital. But the villain said one thing to his phone that was still surprisingly on.


bring backup"

YOOOOOOO WHATSUP IM bAcK! I think I'll put the new chapter right now 🤔 probably not I'm sleepy as FuCk

Anyways I know this was short and I'm not really the best at fight scenes so I tried my best!!

Aight I really don't have anything else to say so I'll just say bye

Annyonghaseo ❤️💜

Word Count: 247 ( a bit less than usual 🥺)

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