Chapter 4: Truth or Dare

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gUeSs wHaT tHaT iS

As Izuku calmed down a bit, he started to get hungry. He went down stairs and saw Ochako drawing in her journal (cuz why not).

"Um, h-hey Uraraka" Izuku said with a sudden burst of confidence.

Ochako, who has not noticed Izuku until now, fell off the couch and hit the ground face-first.
(Been there)

"Oh hey Deku" Ochako said while giggling as she found herself falling kinda funny. Suddenly Ochako's face looked dead serious.

"Hey De-no, Izuku" The mere mention of his first name coming from her mouth gave Izuku chills yet he blushed "tell me what's wrong. You can trust me. I'm your friend" oOf went Izuku's heart.

"N-nothing! It's n-nothing...." Izuku said.


"Something's definitely going on" Ochako thought.

"Well I better head out now I've got to call my mom... again..." Izuku said.

"Oh! I have to go to a sleepover with the girls! I'll see ya later Deku!" Ochako said somehow a bit disappointed that she couldn't call him by his first name again.

"O-ok bye O-Ochako" Izuku said. They both blushed furiously.

"B-bye I-Izuku" Ochako said.

They both went their separate ways, while blushing like crazy.

As Ochako got closer to Mina's room, she couldn't stop thinking about her encounter with Izuku.

"What if he really does like me? No I don't think that would be possible. He deserves someone better than me..."

But as Ochako thought more about him, her blush got a really deep red. Once she got to Mina's room, she opened the door, but what she saw was embarrassing.

Mina was showing video footage to the girls about Ochako and Izuku's little 'encounter'.

And saying Ochako's face was red is an understatement.


"Hmm... what?" Mina said trying to stifle her laugh.

"B-but-....I-I.....Minaaaaaaaaa..!!!" Poor Ochako couldn't even find the right words.

"Whatever let's play Truth or Dare!" Said an invisible pair of flying clothes in which we the fandom call Toru.

"Yeah!" Almost every one said.

"Ok I'll start" Asui said "mmmmmm... Mina! Truth or Dare?"

"Hmmm... Dare!"

"Ok I dare you to.... lick... the floor.... wait...not just any floor... umm let's try the gRaPeIsT's floor!" Asui said.

Mina gulped. "O-ok..."

They went to Mineta's dorm and knocked the door.

"Hello- oh he-llo babes did you come to see me?" Mineta said in a seductive tone.

Mina instantly licked the floor with the tip of her younger and ran away as fast as she could.

"PFFFFT! You couldn't even last a second!" Said Jiro.

-After 20 minutes of Mina throwing up and brushing her tongue intensively-

"Ok... my turn" Mina said like that never happened.

"Hmmm.... Uraraka! tRuTh oR dArE?"

Ochako gulped.

"Umm.. T-truth..?"

"Who do you like?" Mina's words seemed to have gotten in slow motion. Ochako's face has gotten redder and redder by the second.

"Umm um.. I MEANT DARE!"

"Nope can't change it!" Toru said.

"I uh uh I-" Ochako said, not realizing she used her quirk on herself and started floating around the room.

"Oh boy she did it again" said Jiro.

"You don't have to tell us Uraraka, it's fine!" Yaoyorozu yelled.

"Yeah it's your choice! *ribbit*" Asui said.

"Release!" Ochako said as she fell on top of some pillows.

"I'm gonna go for a walk" Ochako said as she headed out still clearly flustered. As she walked out and closed the door, the girls started talking. 

"I bet it's Bakugo"
" Oh cmon its obviously Iida"
"Ugh guys it's definitely someone who's not in the class" Everyone kept yapping about who it is until Mina got up a chair and yelled

" I bet you 200 dollars it's Midoriya"

Everyone's eyes widened.

"DEAL" everyone said in unison.

What's up bOitCheS I'm here! What ya think? Good? Bad? Maybe? I accept all constructive criticism BUT it can only be constructive cuz my self esteem is already low enough.

Anyways bet y'all can't guess the photo hehehehe...

Author Out

Word Count: 597 ( wOaH )

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