Chapter 18: Our little family (plus Todomomo)

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As Dabi and Shoto walked to Heights Alliance, Yaomomo, Mina, Toru, and Ochako stayed behind.

"So... your boyfriend's brother is a member from the league of villains, huh?" Mina says, trying to tempt Yaomomo.

"Well yes but- wait..! He's not my boyfriend!" Yaomomo says, all flustered. Shoto turned around to see what the commotion was all about.

"Is everything alright..?" He asked as he told Dabi where to go.

"Uuh.. y-yeah it's all fine..! Heh!" Yaomomo spit out all at once. Shoto just shrugged. It seems like the author is making them more oblivious than they already are...

"Wait! BOYFRIEND..! Aww!!" Toru squealed. Both Yaomomo and Shoto blushed a very deep crimson red.

"Todomomo! Todomomo! Todomomo!" Ochako, Toru, and Mina chanted.

"Cmon Ochako, Eri is getting sleepy" Izuku said out of nowhere.

"Sure I'm coming!" Ochako said. As Todomomo and IzuOcha(plus Eri) walked away, Mina and Toru began to squeal like some crazy fan girls I met in a BTS concert.

"They look so cute!!" Toru says "Todomomo makes a great couple!!"

"And I LOVE the cinnamon roll family!!" Mina said.


-At an unknown location-

"Shouldn't you go feed the brat, Kurogiri..?" Shigaraki asked "You know what.., never mind I'll do it myself. I'll show him how good of a man I am..!"

When Shigaraki opens the door, he sees Bakugo. Or.., his replicate.

"Well.., well..., well.., hello Katsuki Bakugo..!"


"What..? You're not gonna say anything..?"


"Mmm..! Just say something!"


"JUST SAY SOMETHING YOU DAMN BRAT!" Shigaraki says as he puts 4 fingers on Fake Bakugo's face. Then, he accidentally uses his 5 fingers, and, to his surprise, Fake Bakugo melts.



-At Heights Alliance-

"Everyone started to settle in... Ochako looks really tired.." Izuku thinks. Suddenly, a light weight hits his shoulder. He looks to his side and sees Ochako's head resting on his shoulder. Izuku's face starts to look redder than a tomato.

"Holy crap! Ochako is laying her head on my shoulder! What do I do..? She looks really tired..." Izuku thinks as he suddenly gets an idea. "I'm going to hate myself for this..!" He puts Eri around Ochako's arms and holds Ochako in his arms, bridal style. As he does this, he hears some chatter, so out of instinct, he runs to his room, in order to avoid any questions.

Once they get there, Izuku sets Ochako down on his bed, along with Eri. He hesitates wether or not to sleep in the same bed as them, but he decides to do so. As he gets under the blankets, Ochako slowly and tiredly squints he eyes open a bit. She smiles as she sees Izuku holding Eri protectively. Soon enough, the 3 cinnamons fall into a dreamless sleep.

Hi guys! Sorry for the loooooooooooooooooong break! I was really busy due to school work and such. And lately I've been addicted to playing "Among us" 😅😅 but I'll try to update soon. Just don't expect many updates this week...

It's gonna be a long week...

Also a special thanks to
Ragnark517 since they suggested the idea is google docs and, believe it or not, I never would've thought of using it.

Any ways have a great day/night!


Word Count: 512

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