Chapter 17: Prove it!

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Suddenly, Shoto rushed forward towards Dabi. He activated his ice quirk and threw a spike of ice towards Dabi. Dabi used his power to melt the ice attack before it reached him.

"You and I... so different.. yet we're related... h-how..?!" Shoto said.

"Just... ask... MOTHER!" Dabi said running towards Shoto, with blue fire in his arm. Just then, Mr. Aizawa came out and saw the fight.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted you!" Aizawa said, ready to apprehend him.

"No stop! He has to prove it! He has to prove that.... he's m-my..... brother..!" Shoto says, stoping in his tracks and falling to the ground, crying. Dabi also stoped and went to comfort his brother.

"Shhh shh everything is going to be alright... Shoto.." Dabi said, starting to cry as well. By this point most of the class was outside.

"What are they fraternizing with the criminal?! I never thought that one of class A's strongest students would be capable of such a thing!? Isn't he a traito-" Monoma couldn't stop his sentence cuz he peed his pants when he saw the look that Dabi and Yaomomo gave him.

The glare of dEaTh.

"You guys can go back. Sorry for scaring you all.." Aizawa said sleepily and apologetically.

Class B grunted and scoffed.

"Leave" Aizawa said once again, but with red eyes. Class B didn't hesitate to leave and left without a sound.

"Oh Shoto... I'm so sorry... I-I was a bad brother... and a bad son... and a bad person.." Dabi says "please...forgive me... I want to be good.. again..!"

"Don't worry.....


Hi guys! Sorry for the short chapter! I'll try to brainstorm more and think of new ideas! Anyways I'll leave y'all alone! Have a great day and/or night!!

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 💜

Word Count: 303

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