Chapter One

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Please read Alpha's Glory before you read this book, it might make things more clear for you the longer you get in the book. If you don't want to read Alpha's Glory then don't. 


Disclaimer: there is going to be a lot of grammar errors, English is not my first language, I'm still learning.

There might also be some things that I just completely write wrong, I realized that what I had first imagined Drystan looking like is now completely changed, so my description of him in one of the earlier chapters might be wrong.

Also, this is kind of a slow book, meaning there might be some time before we get into the action and the spicy stuff. 

- Mel

chapter one

I opened my eyes groggily and looked over at the alarm clock placed on my night table. 5 am. Why in the hell would my dad knock on my door at 5 am?

"Get up, kid." Pops called from the other side of the door. I sat up in bed and stared at the door with blurry eyes.

If he forces me to run at 5 am... I swear to god I'm throwing his favorite plant out.

I got up from bed when I heard another knock, he was most definitely getting impatient. I threw on a hoodie and put the hood up before walking over to my door and opening it.

One red and one gold eye were staring straight at me and I stared back. When he didn't say anything, I glared at him for waking me up and he glared right back, as if I had done something to him.

Stubborn piece of shit.

"Blake, just bring him down! Eden, stop wasting the milk!" He rolled his eyes and nodded towards the stairs. I flipped him off when I started making my way downstairs and then ran when I realised that he had seen me flip him off.

I ended up bumping into my little brother, Eden who also dropped the bowl of cereal he was carrying on the floor. The milk that was in the bowl was not all over my sweatpants. I heard him growl at me and I growled right back.

His sixteen-year old ass thought he was going to be able scare me because of his growling. I was eighteen and an alpha, while he was also an alpha he was younger than me and a temperamental bastard. We both had bad tempers which was why we always fought.

I hated him and he hated me.

Brotherly love, am I right?

Eden stepped closer to me and I stood my ground, even if I had to tilt my head up to look at him. He got Pops' stupid genes when it came to his height.

I knew I was adopted, or well 'found'. Eden on the other hand was created, by Pops' dad. Ares the god of war. Eden got the height, I got the strength, he was strong but I was stronger. I felt him start to let out his alpha pheromones, still trying to make me submit to him. His alpha pheromones did nothing to me.

I placed my hands on his chest and shoved him away from me. His back hit the kitchen island and he let out a hiss at the pain but he seemed to recover quickly from the pain as he stood up straight and growled at me.

I growled back at him, looking around to make sure our parents were nowhere to be seen. If our parents saw us fighting, they would not only be angry but disappointed. I felt my fangs and talons extend and growled again at him.

"You whore." He seethed at me and lunged but before he could even hit me I moved to the side and his fist connected with the wall, creating a dent. Dad was gonna kill him for that.

"I could say the same thing about you bitch." I growled back and was about to hit him when a voice boomed through the kitchen causing us both to freeze.

"Stop fighting!" I whirled around and faced my dad, who looked angry as fuck. He was usually happy and humble, but whenever he caught us fighting he got so mad.

"He started it." Eden accused while pointing his finger at me. I took a step back when my dad took a step closer. I tilted my head to the side, baring my neck at him. I heard a snicker from behind me and glanced back at Eden and saw him trying to stifle his laughter.

"I don't care who started it, you need to stop this fighting. You fight everyday. Sometimes even physically, you could end up killing each other!" My dad exclaimed with what sounded like sorrow.

I instantly felt guilty. I didn't want him or Pops to feel sad because me and Eden don't get along. Eden was also part demon, he hadn't yet been able to access his demon powers but once he did and if we got in a fight, I would be the one to die.

Demons fight dirty and would do anything to kill their opponent, while Eden and I already do that, he was always somehow trying to make me break something or go unconscious. I would never actually want him to die, even if I hate him, he's still my brother.

"Dad he's a fucking moron, he does nothing but lay around and read those stupid fucking books of his." Eden grumbled and I almost growled.

"Eden, not another word from your mouth or your going to be training with your father the entire week." Eden froze behind me while I doubled over in laughter.

A week of training with pops would kill him. Pops trains at least 15 hours a day just to stay in shape and get stronger. Strong arms wrapped themselves around me and I let myself sink into them when I inhaled the familiar scent of my dad.

"Happy birthday, buddy." He whispered and placed a gentle kiss against my temple.

Oh yeah.

I'm eighteen, sweet.

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