Angry ocean

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     Only fifteen long minutes had passed of ripping apart rubble to free the beastman and humans below for both Shirou and Michiru. The sky suddenly filled with Mayor Rose's voice as the emergency intercom towers across the city started up.

      "This is not a drill, a Tsunami is headed for Anima city. The estimated time of arrival is 09:45" With a loud click the audio cut out for a second before long sirens wailed a high pitch disturbing tune. Michirus' ears flattened tight against her head as her face wrinkled in pain. Still she needed to get to the coastline, they had fifteen minutes to get asany people free of the slums coating the coastline of the city uphill. 

      With a spark of blue her arms transformed into wings. She blasted up into the sky leaving a small dust cloud as she shifted her nose to that of a wolves. With a deep inhale she searched for Shirou, his scent long being stuck in her mind. Michirus' face showed a small smile since the incident happened. Something about knowing he was okay made her feel so happy even if he was an immortal god.

      Shirou was panicked there was at least a few hundred beastman he could still smell all throughout the slum buried underneath rubble. Dig DIG DIG! His mind yelled, the thought of them drowning was sickening. Just as he felt everything was hopeless, there she was landing beside him. His favorite Tanuki looked up at him with a quick smile. "Let's save them!" Shirous lips curled into a slight smile. He was always amazed how passionate she seemed no matter how high the odds were stacked against her.

      Still even with Michirus help so many would die…. His thought was soon blasted away as any of the survivors still able to move joined in humans and beastman alike the whole community had come together for the greater good. One, two, five, twenty. More and more citizens were pulled from the rubble when everyone's animalistic instincts kicked in. He looked to the shoreline, it was receding revealing the wet sand below. 

       Michiru transformed her throat to that of a howler monkey and took a deep breath. "Get to the high ground it's here!" Shirou looked back at her with a nod before he returned to clearing ruble, there was still time to save a few more. He was cut off by a small warm hand on his shoulder. "Shirou...we have to go I'm sorry." Michirus' voice was sad and it was clear she was holding back tears. "No! I can survive leave Michiru!" Shirou yelled forcing venom into it hoping to scare off the Tanuki with a swat of her hand. It stung his heart to do this to her….why.

      Michiru frowned with a loud huff. Instead of leaving Shirou she joined in removing rubble, her gaze not meeting him as she was a small fluff ball of emotions at the moment. Shirou wanted to yell at her more but knew it would only make the stubborn Tanuki more confident. Michiru had been around Shirou long enough to know he often let out his fears and frustration with anger. This was just like when he yelled at her in the lab. Every second that passed her instinct to run screamed louder and louder in her head and for good reason. The quiet air soon filled with the sound of rushing water.

      "SHIROU PLEASE" Her voice cracked with fear and causing Shirous stomach to roll, why did she have such a impact on her it reminded him of something he had long forgotten the feeling of. They were too late. The wave of debris washing with roaring water was going fast. He wrapped around Michiru suddenly, his natural instinct to protect her kicked in just as they were slammed by the wall of water. Tumbling a few feet Shirou's leg got caught under a heavy metal beam once supporting a cheap structure. 

       Michiru was suddenly let go off the warm comforting feeling of Shirous grip disappearing. She only got a glimpse of him through the dirty water before she was taken away. 

      "Shirou! No…" she yelled out only to be muffled by the water, her hand outstretching to his fading figure.

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