Love is Stronger than Words

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     Michiru was asleep despite sleeping all morning, her body worn out from working overtime to heal the wound marking her chest. Shirou smiled seeing the girl hugging her own tail enlarged by her for comfort. A thought wishing it was him she was embracing was quickly shoved down by Shirou. He did his best to suppress all the thoughts as he laid down on the couch. It felt so cold compared to sleeping with Michiru and his mind couldn't stop thinking. He stared at the ceiling for what felt like an eternity, his mind racing with thoughts that drove him insane. Finally sleeps' dark embrace dragged him under for a few hours of sleep.

     Shirou was woken abruptly by the sound of Gem cawing to the rising sun. He could hear Michiru shuffle in the bed as the noise tried to wake her up too. A small whimper escaped and the sound of rolling sheets. Getting up he looked down at the sleeping Tanuki, a slight smile crossing his face as he tucked her in better leaving the room. Melissa was busy cooking breakfast, perfect now he could ask her about these weird feelings he's been having. "Morning Melissa." He was walking towards the kitchen as Melissa turned with a big smile. "Morning Shirou. Coming to learn how to cook finally." Shirou gave her a slight smile to show he appreciated the humor. "No, I have a question for you." Melissa was surprised he normally only came to him after his bad nightmares. Did he have one recently? "I have an answer for you." "Well it's about Michiru, it's weird no matter how hard I try I can get her out of my head. Plus my stomach feels weird when I'm around her." Melissa almost broke down laughing but cleared her throat to answer him a, big smirk on her face. "That's called liking someone honey." Shirou shook his head. "That doesn't make senses I don't feel that way around you or Gem." Melissa couldn't help it, she broke out laughing getting a frown from Shirou. He was genuinely confused. The last 900 ish years where foggy very few memories he held onto. "Wait…" he didn't need Melissa to tell him, he only needed to give him a hint what to look for in his memory. It was before he was a demigod. 

      A women, her face blurred from time passing. He could barely remember anything about her, just a warm feeling and three words "I love you" her voice was so kind and soft clear as day. Tears filled his eyes, another memory flashed through his mind. It was the attack, and she was...she was.  He remembered why he shoved memories of her away now. "Shirou, you okay." Melissa lightly grabbed his shoulder pulling him out of his memories. "Huh...yes." He left without saying another word he had to get away from people, a flood of memories were flowing in. Sitting on the roof he closed his eyes leaning against the railing. That women appeared again this time she was becoming more clear. Her eyes were a beautiful teal blue and her hair Black. She was full of life, so kind hearted. He chuckled as tears flowed freely down his cheeks, even with the pain he was realizing more and more why he liked Michiru. Everything about her was so similar to this woman. It hurt knowing somewhere along the line he forgot such an amazing memory, he couldn't even remember her name, only those three words and how he felt saying it back. 

    Gem came up to the roof after a few hours of letting Shirou be on his own. "Shirou, I won't ask what bothered you but I do want you to know one thing." Gem was surprisingly confident and clear which caught Shirous attention. "We are here for you. Melissa and I will understand and support whatever path you take." Shirou was surprised the way he said it made it clear he knew what or at least basically what was bothering him. "Thanks Gem, sorry just some old memories that's all." "I figured as much. I'll let you be, I just...I felt you needed to know that." Shirou noded staring at the basketball court. The makeshift sports items caught his eye, of course they did. The empty half basketball court Michiru made felt empty. He already missed watching her play the game, it felt wrong being up here like this without felt being wrong without her.

      Shirou headed down the stairs, he still had no phone calls so maybe he could spend the day with Michiru. Opening his door he was treated to the sight of Michiru sitting up in bed, she was deep in one of his books he recommended for her. She turned to Shirou the second he entered and gave one of her wide smiles. Her ears bouncing happily as her tail despite being pressed against the headboard swayed. "Morning Shirou, how was your mission last night?" Her smile hit him with a wave of warmth, the world brightened around her. He gave her back a genuine smile, teeth showing and all. Michiru instantly got happier seeing Shirou smile like this here small fluffy tail swaying faster making a small noise against the headboard. "Wow I missed out on a good mission if you're smiling like that, tell me about it! please!" She started begging him expecting the usual resistance. "Okay for you I will." Michiru choked up as her cheeks filled red then her entire face turned red with blush as Shirou got onto the bed sitting beside her. Her heart was beating fast. Michiru was lost what to do next. Shirou could hear her nervous heartbeat but the blush told him enough. With a deep breath he started explaining his mission, as the story went on Michiru leaned closer and closer. Shirou did the same until she was resting against his shoulder. Her arms wrapped around one of his. As the story came to an end they sat in silence for a moment still pressed against each other.

      " you like me?" Shirou broke the silence, those words choked up the Tanuki. Her mind vegan to overthink his question, her mind filling up with chatter causing a tense pause between his question and her answer. She had to say something looking up into his eyes she nodded."Yes, but if you don't feel the same way w-" Her nervous rambling was cut off by Shirou kissing her. Her face only got redder as she pressed into the kiss, closing her eyes  to enjoy the moment. Fireworks where going off in her head this was everything she imagined if not better. Shirou got lost in her lips, the world swirling away for a moment. All the weight he barred on his shoulders from being the silver wolf disappeared even if for just a blissful moment. They held it only cutting for air. Both seemed choked up when they both tried to talk at the same time tripping up a couple times. "Sh-" "Mic" "I" finally Michiru let out a giggle hugging Shirous' side, words wouldn't describe how happy that just made her anyways. Shirou sighed letting out a genuine chuckle himself, his free arm hugging her back as he kissed the top of her head.

      "Want to read stories for the rest of the day?" Shirou didn't want to rush anything, this was more than enough for him. He just wanted to enjoy Michiru by his side. "Yes, that sounds nice." Michiru shifted on the bed getting more comfortable as she leaned against Shirou. He picked up one of the books on the nightstand she hadn't started and began to read it to her. Melissa was coming in to grab the two for breakfast but saw the scene. 'Shirou no both of them are smiling.' Melissa smiled happy for the two as she closed the door lightly, letting them enjoy their time together what she had just seen on the news told her the two wouldn't find much peace.


At 12:00 today the Japanese and the United States Military answered the call for aid despite Japan's government avoiding Anima city the previous three days. The seemingly kind gesture has odd implications. They mobilized weaponized infantry despite Anima City being a Japanese providence and civil unrest being suppressed in the first day. They also have begun taking over police infrastructure, installing a martial law. Mayor Rose comments it is only temporary while they provide aid in rebuilding the city's coastline. 

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