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    Michiru woke up strapped to a standing gurney. Odd machines similar to the ones she "rescued" Nazuna from. Each pass filled her ears with a ringing sensation. She hesitated having learned her lesson prior, a heavy metal collar blinking with LEDs a ditourant for any rebelious actions. 

"Vitals stable, increasing the dose." A voice rang put from behind her, surely some lackey of Allen's. The ringing turned to almost a siren sound as the machine began to twirl around her faster. Whatever this device was it almost burned her skin like a hot summer day. 

"Up the dosage, she's more resilient then the other one." Allen's cold voice called out. An alarm went off as the sound of doctors quickly moved equipment even further away from her slamming a metal door as they did. Her sensitive ears felt like bursting as the machine picked up further speed now hissing as fans cooled the devices surrounding her. Her fur didn't burn but her skin and muscles felt like they were being cooked.  She let out a scream in pain. The surge of adrenaline and natural instincts kicked in as she quickly ripped free of the straps holding her to the gurney. Her gorilla arms breaking through the device before a surge of electricity shocked her spine. Falling to the ground her arms reverted back as she lost concentration. The sound of cocking guns and soldiers surrounding her fell silent as someone approached. 

"I can't believe you let something so dangerous exist Allen. She's a danger to our entire klan." The general spoke now only a few feet from the fallen girl. 

"Once she's served her purpose replace her with a different one, you can make more can't you." Michirus' stomach rolled. Her blood, she knew it could be used to synthesis a beastman "cure" but the thought of even unwillingly helping these people to betray the beastman she had found a home with was unthinkable.  

   "Take her back, and if you lose her it's your head." Allen spat kicking Michirus side. She whimpered in pain curling into a ball as two spiders lifted her by the arms. Whatever the machine had done to her it was like she had the worse sunburn in her life. Even them grabbing her arms burned to the touch. As the dragged her through the facility the walls where not as shiny and new looking as stelvesta medical center. The walls instead a dull grey concrete, block lettering labeled the halls. She passed a group of doctors pushing a dead beastman on a cart. Weird devices proded all over his body. It reminded her of the story's that she learned about the experiments done to beastman in WW2 from Shirous journals. For the first time since the nervisayl outbreak she felt like things where hopeless. She didn't put up resistance as they dragged her to a dark room and strapped her on the metal table she was on previously. Beside her Nazuna was passed out a pained look on her sleeping face.

// Bit of a tense and short chapter felt it filled it holes for the coming time skip//

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