Just Secrets

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    Shirou passed Gem and Mellissa on his way out both setting the table for dinner. The smirk on Melissa's face towards him prompted a confused look. “What?” She only chuckled, shaking her head. “Nothing, like that new hair style.” Shirous hair was pressed to one side sticking out wildly from sleeping so soundly and still. He lightly touched his head looking at his reflection on a nearby window shiting the white hair back into place. “Can you make sure Michiru stays in bed, last thing I need is her hurting herself more.” Even under his noramly emotionless tone a sense of worry seeped through the act only confirming Melissa's suspicions. “Dont worry Nazuna will probably come give her company while you're gone.” Melissa's smirk remained, it oddly irritated Shirou, what was she smirking about. He huffed leaving the Co-Op in a speed walk. Not a second had passed without Michiru coming up in his mind. Every breath filled his nose with her sweet scent. ‘Stop’ His mind was acting up in ways that weren't usual. He had plenty of friends but never felt this way, his heart almost burned and ached for more of Michiru, for something more than they had. He shook his head taking off across the rooftops, rushing for town hall.

    Michiru was tucking herself in. She wasn’t tired, not that her mind would let her if she was. Same as Sherio she was busy thinking, she knew it was a crush and today only made it worse. ‘Why!?’ She was almost mad it was over Shirou. There was no way he would feel the same. He barely opened up to her and she didn't know if he was even capable of what she wanted from him. Still memories of those blissful hours together heated up her cheeks as she thought about it, the smell of him on the sheets compounding the effect until she was a deep shade of red.

Without warning the door to Shirou room burst open, it almost made Michiru jump when the Pink fur met her eyes. “Nazuna!” Michiru squealed excited before the pain in her chest shut her up with a whimper. The pink fox rushed over lightly hugging Michiru. “Michiru how are you feeling, I was so worried.” Michiru let out a giggle hugging Nazuna back, it was so odd to hear Nazuna drop her act and be herself. “Im fine, are you okay?” Michiru pushed her back a little looking at her, she knew Nazuna must be struggling with very similar nightmares as her, the once purely innocent eyes of her best friend were almost sad or maybe just heavier. “Ya of course better then you Miss Hero.” Nazuna teased both the girls giving off a sad sigh in one year they had been through so much, more than some go through in a lifetime. “So who's the person you were sleeping with ? It was Shirou wasn’t it!?” Nazuna had been dying of curiosity and changing the subject felt good right now. Michiru opened her mouth shocked as a deep red blush showed through her fur. “N-nazuna who told you that!” She yelled clearly shy about it. Nazuna could only laugh at Michirus' reaction. “You didn't think I wouldn't know from the scent besides Gem gave it up.” Michiru was more confused; she lowered her ears giving a defeated sigh, Nazuna and Gem knew which meant Melissa knew too. This got another giggle out of Nazuna who sat up on the bed with Michiru. “Tell me everything.” Michiru looked at Nazuna, her brow furled into a frown as she snipped at her friend despite the blush. “There's nothing between us!” Nazuna rolled her eyes at Michiru, keeping up her curious grin. It was like she was being interrogated. “Fine!....I have a crush on him okay.” Michiru admitted maybe a little too loud, Melissa was walking in with two bowls of Pho for the girls when Michiru burst out. She let out a chuckle and Michiru felt defeated; she pouted laying down, she pulled the pillow beside her over her head to hide. It only made her blush worse. The pillow was covered in Shirous scent, her heart ached almost painfully all this talk about him. “You know Michiru, he acts differently around you.” Mellisa said setting the tray on a table and standing by the bed was girl talk time now. This got her attention right away, pulling the pillow down Michirus' ears perked up as she looked at Melissa. “Really? Do you think he likes me too?” Melissa smiled at her giving that almost motherly smile. “That or he views you as a sister.” She was just teasing knowing this would drive the girl insane. It did, the pillow returned to her face as a muffled yell in frustration escaped from the Tanuki below. 

    “But, you know he might feel the same way. Shirou respects you that's for sure. Should’ve heard how much he complained about you wanting to leave and be human again.” Nazuna nudged Michirus' shoulder with a cheeky smile. “Plus he’s super protective of you.” Nazuna added. Michuri sat up, her ears still curled down, these words didn't help her predicament. “But what if I'm wrong and I ruin our friendship!?” Meliissa rubbed the side of Michiru's shoulder and let off a giggle. “Honey, that's a risk you have to decide if you're willing to take. Now stop daydreaming about boys and eat your dinner, Nazuna I made you a bowl too. As for this my lips are sealed.” “Mine too Michiru, I’ll only tease you in private.” Nazuna gave Michiru a cocky smirk who gave back a pout with a tongue sticking out at her. “Thanks Melissa. It looks amazing. I'm starving.” Michiru grabbed the bowl and started to dig in. Nazuna only shook her head, harassing Michiru more about her crush for the rest of the night.

    Across the city Shirou was mid chase, a gang of cheetahs were using the disorder after the earthquake to rob banks and stores. Though the group was far away Shirou knew they would grow tired eventually and their scent would lead him right to them. Shame he didn't have Michirus cheetah legs right now to help. With a quick jump he was on the rooftop above them. Though without Michiru around it meant he could be a bit more brutal than usual. He ounces down, shattering one of the cheetahs legs underneath his landing. His hands shot out towards the other two and grabbed their head. The dumbfounded cheetahs jaws dropped as their heads were smashed together knocking both them out. As usual he wrapped them up leaving a note for the Chief of Police. He was rushing through tonight's responsibilities not taking his time with criminals like he preferred normally. He wanted to get home as soon as possible. He pulled out a new phone thanks to Mayor Rose and dialed her. “Anything else I can help with Rose” “Nothing at the moment Ogami, you can return to your Tanuki.” She said it in her cocky tune, hanging up before Shirou could question her. He scoffed, putting his phone away returning to the streets. He did want to rush back to her, why? He passed a colorful stand, it was full of baseball items. A game was being played and the sound of a cheering crowd filled the night. At least Beastman had something to distract them from the damaged state of the City. A small Michiru doll caught his attention. Her Gorilla Arms looked as if she had just pitched a ball and they got her scary face just right though not scary enough. Buying it he stuffed it into his pocket maybe this would bring her spirits up a little. ‘He would talk to Mallissa about it; she always helped him deal with Michiru’s one of a kind personality. Besides it was like she could tell he was struggling with her being on his mind when he left for the night.

      Work has picked up again as covid is dying down where I live. This means I'll be alot more busy with work and life so my post may slow down. I am also trying to push myself to write longer chapters as these feel too short. ❤️ Stay healthy.

P.S. If you read this far thank you.

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