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      Michiru was wrapped around Shirou hidden beneath the sheets for warmth as the two slept. Shirou was holding her as well, hiding her small frame beneath his. The sun had barely started to gleam into the room when a thunderous roar of helicopters and trucks filled the air . Shirou woke up hearing the noise and quickly slipped away from Michiru waking her up from the lack of warmth and comfort. Michirus' ears bounced as she got up the noise being an odd combo of too loud or high-pitched to be comfortable. "Shirou you okay?" She asked tiredly, rubbing her eyes as she sat up slowly. Shirou hated that sound, the last time he heard them was during the Beastman Civil rights war and this didn't feel any different. "I'm fine" he said coldly to Michiru, she knew when something bothered him. The first sign was the fact his tail was perked on end. His ears twitching and a small curl of his lips revealed his fang. "You know you're easy to read when you're in beast form." She said softly shifting on the bed to get off, her  chest was already feeling alot better from the last four days of healing, even Michiru was confused how it healed so fast. This was just like the bite Shirou gave her. The seemingly deep wounds healed quickly as if the teeth marks were scratches. Getting into her wheelchair she rolled over to Shirou grabbing his shirt tugging it to make sure he wasn't lost in more memories. "It's like Melissa said. They are coming to give aid in rebuilding the Slums. It's a good sign." Michiru would be lying if she said her suspicions weren't raised. "Michiru do you trust all humans blindly." Shirou spit a little too coldly. "Hey, I'm not saying I trust them but they have the money and resources to help the beastman in the slums." Michiru responded with a little spark of sas, a tiny pout on her face. Shirou sighed, she was always so optimistic and stubborn with her opinion. "Fine, but if you're wrong Michiru-” “We get rid of them if I'm wrong. It's easier to distrust someone then trust them. Remember when you said you would kill me, should I have judged you based on that.” Shirou was lost for words now, he had definitely lost the argument. “I said fine Michiru I'm still keeping an eye on them.” 

    Michiru moved away towards the door. “Come on, I want to see this with my own eyes, besides I’m tired of being stuck inside.” She was more demanding she go out then asking, Shirou just bit his tongue. Michiru clearly was feeling better so there was no winning against her right now. ‘Man she really has made me a softy for her.’ Shirou followed  behind carrying her down the stairs and then the wheel chair. Pushing the chair Michiru was in, they headed out into the early morning the Sky still red from the sunrise. The trucks had already passed towards town hall but a small FOB(Forward Operation Base) was being built on the coastline. “Where to Tanuki.” Michiru looked up from her chair giving him a pout for the snippy nickname. “I can go by myself if you don't want to go.” “Stop being stubborn Michiru, you can't use the same move on me twice in one day.” Michirus pout turned to a half smile. “Fine, just around the block then I'll go back to being on bed rest." Shirou gave her a small nod and a half smile for not pushing it too much. The trip seemed simple enough until a large Seven-Ton truck passed by. What shocked Michiru and Shirou was the fact rifles were on each soldier. The sight of trained soldiers inhabiting the city like this put a unease in both their minds, Shirous more. He leaned down and whispered into Michirus' ear. “Still think they can be trusted?” Michirus' ear twitched from his breath hitting it. She didn't trust them but had no choice otherwise Jackie would be homeless longer. “I don't want to, but we have to for people like Jackie and the rest of the slums sake. “Once I get you back, I'm going to go investigate. Will you be fine on your own?” “Mhm...Shirou, don't start a war...but don't let them hurt the city.” Michiru really wanted to go with him. Still she needed to rest at least another week. It really sucked she was trapped again, it was just like before when she still lived in her hometown after transforming into a beastman. 

“Of course.” Shirou brought her back to the Co-Op,helping her get back up to the room, he set her on the bed folding out the chair for her besides it. “Kiro will stay with you again and Gem and Melissa shouldn't be going anywhere- '' He was cut off by Michiru sitting up and kissing him, she wanted him to calm down. It was surprising how easy it was to shift from friends to whatever they were. Then again they both knew each other better then themselves. “Shirou, I'm fine! Just be safe. I look forward to hearing about today when you get home.” Shirou was speechless, it was a lot to take in and he didn't know how to respond other than returning a quick peck to Michiru before heading out. “I'll be safe, see you as soon as I can.” He left the Co-Op rushing to town hall. He knew Rose wasn't okay with this especially with her background. Once Shirou left Michirou returned to books trying to distract herself. She was reading history books. Mainly ones about conflicts that Shirou took place in so she could better understand him. Besides it was a good distraction from her inability to help for the time being. 

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