The Surge Before the Calm

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The water was suddenly illuminated by a bright blue spark as Michiru shifted into a new form. Working with Nini she had learned how to shift and control her dolphin form. She was far from being an expert but it was enough to fight the strong current attempting to pull her further inland. Guiding her small body through the cars and boats being pulled and pushed by the water she reached Shirou again. He had already passed out from drowning, any normal person would be dead but Michiru knew he would survive….so why did she feel the need to help him so bad. No matter how much she tried to convince herself to leave, something ached her soul to leave him behind.

 At first she attempted to tug Shirou free with the current, every thrust of her tail pulled him a little more free when the water started to recede back into the ocean. The sudden change in current flung her against his back. Her new ears picked up on a horrible sound, all the debri being pulled back towards them. Cars, boats, and debri all pulling bodies and even live people out to sea. In a panic she let go of Shirou and slammed into the beam, assisted by the current it flung off Shirous leg. 

           Michirus' victory was short-lived as a car slammed into her and Shirou pulling them out towards the ocean. She needed air bad, even with her newly improved lungs she couldn't take the burning inside her chest. It only got worse as her natural instincts took gasp for air only receiving salt water. She did her best to grab Shirous collar with her teeth as all her fins thrusted against the water pulling them to the surface. The current was calming as they drew closer to the coast allowing Michiru to break them free and fight the current. Every movement burned and only more water filled her lungs each drop burning her chest more and more. Still a primal urge to save both Shirou and herself pushed her forward until finally they broke free. Of the receding water.

Michiru morphed to her Tanuki form as spots of black filled her eyes. Loud coughs left her water spilling out with each one. All the adrenaline she had built was used up and the pain was truly setting in. Slowly dragging Shirou with her she did her best to get to high ground when it was too much. Exhaustion kicked in and the Tanuki collapsed beside Shirou.

    The two laid in the street Michirus body resting just barely on Shirous chest. When he did wake up he rubbed his temples looking around. He was somewhere very different. He could feel the familiar warmth and presence of Michiru on his chest and figured she had freed him."Michiru you really are a stubborn Tanuki." He smirked expecting another cute rant back from Michiru only to hear silence. Looking to his side he saw the passed out girl. Despite still having water in his lungs he sprang up pulling her onto his lap as he pressed his ear against her chest. Her beating heart eased any worry immediately for the worst. Carefully inspecting her for wounds only finding superficial scratches and cuts. Still he always got a weird feeling seeing any injury on her. Like a burning pain in his chest. And her breathing was disturbingly raspy from the water still trapped inside her own lungs.

      "Let's go get you help." Shirou cleared some hair from her face before forcing himself to stand with the Tanuki in his arms. He wobbled on his leg as it was broken from the steel beam he had been trapped under. Already the bone was shifting back but his body had been working overtime keeping him alive despite drowning constantly so the process was slower then he liked, he wanted to sprint to the medical center now. His gaze looked up from Michiru causing him to freeze for a second seeing the sight of Anima city. A wall of smoke rose up from downtown and most of the coast was in ruins from the tsunami and covered in bodies. Twisted faces of fear, sadness and sleeping bliss covered the many beastmens faces all staring up at him as he carried Michiru inland. 

      It was a horrible sight, this was worse then Allen's attack for sure and he was more powerless to prevent it. Some god he must be. His deep thoughts were cut off by the sound of Nazuna yelling down to them. She was searching for survivors, her pink wings providing a flash of shade over the pair before she landed in front of them. Her eyes teared up seeing Michiru seemingly lifeless in Shirous arms. 

     "She's not…." Nazuna choked up, unable to finish her question before Shirou cut her off. "No, but I need to get her to a hospital, think you can take her?" He never imagined he would ask the fake silver wolf for a favor but Michiru was far more important than some petty pride. Nazuna nodded confidently, expanding her wings as her talons gripped Shirous shoulders. 

"Let's go." 

        With a few flaps of her wings they were gliding towards the city. Shirou looked back down at Michiru, the burning feeling returning to his heart. It wasn't like the normal sadness or rage he felt for all beastman. It was something more, the feeling felt uncomfortable but despite this he couldn't help but hold her tighter. His stern face tightening as her raspy breaths filled his ears. "You did amazing Michiru, I'm proud of you." He whispered to her as their flight continued, his eyes occasionally gazing past the Tanuki at the chaos below. Everyone seemed to be working together and it eased his guilt, it's like Michiru said. He didn't have to carry the weight alone for all their safety. He was oddly okay with it. He had important people to care for in his life. Kuro, Gem, Melissa, and Michiru.

     "I'll just drop you off there's a lot of people who need rides here and take care of her." Nazuna said a tinge of worry breaking through her act of being calm despite the crisis. The second they landed a doctor rushed out with a gurney in toe. Shirou didn't wait for him to ask her injuries.

"She almost drowned. I can hear liquid in her lungs." The doctor listened, placing a stethoscope against her chest. "We need oxygen stat!" Without saying a word the doctors pulled Michiru away from Shirou a nurse stayed behind to guide him to a waiting room. "Sorry we're so busy we can't stop to explain. And with that she left with a small jog to the next patient arriving.

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