The Wolfs and the Dragon Part I

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NCB BREAKING NEWS: After a series of videos were released to Wetube showing horrible living standards of beastman held inside prison camps many human beastman activists have taken to the streets in Tokyo,Soul,London,Berlin and several major cities across the US. The videos also claim to show how military law is unjust and purposely designed to imprison beastman. Activists are asking for a military withdrawal from the city and for the Red Cross to be allowed through the blockade.

    Shirous' tail wagged happily as Marie showed him the news headlines. The human world for the first time in his life seemed to be on his side. Marie couldn't help but let out a chuckle smirking at the wolf. “I don't think I have ever seen you smile.” Shirous face returned to a cold stare with a grumble in response to her comment.
“How long will this take?!” He asked anxiously, still after nights of searching for any sign of Michiru including integrating a few soldiers he hadn't found a sign of her. Marie shrugged looking almost sad. “Who knows, I didn't make the plan.” Shirou could see she was just as worried for Michiru and the ever growing number of beastman in prison.
Shirou leaned against the wall letting out a huff the smell that filled his nose after a long inhale filled his nerves immediately sent his heart racing. “HUMANS!” he yelled, causing Marie and the few other beastman that had joined their efforts to scramble as the sound of kevlar clad troops echoed against the walls of the drainage system tunnels.

    Marie and the few others quickly packed up the computers grabbing what leftover footage they had. The sight of computers crashing to the ground as they took only what they needed and destroyed as much evidence as possible. In the meantime Shirou rushed outside the shack with a spark of blue that lit up the faces of twenty plus special forces troops surrounding the entrance. The sound of gunfire erupted immediately illuminating the dark tunnel in flashing gunfire. The deafening sound stopped after what felt like minutes despite being less then one. Shirous ginro form spat the bullets out, his blue glowing fur tainted red from the onslaught of rounds. The men started to retreat as he tore into them slowly making his way through the large group retreating. Each bite ripping another in half. Marie, who was the only one daring enough to peek out, watched in shock, Shirou looked back nodding before running after the men. Marie snapped out quickly running the opposite direction. Hands full of hard drives, the group promptly following her.

    As shirou moved through the dark tunnels he inhaled, smelling the trail the humans seemed to be following. The cocktail of guns and humans waiting for him almost drowned out a faint smell of one of them. It was the general sitting atop a tank as guns pointed from every direction. Shirou had had enough waiting, he would have to break the promise to his favorite Tanuki if he was going to find her peace was taking too long, noe he was declaring war. His mouth opened as a blue ball of energy quickly filled it bursting down the tunnel like a bullet down a gun barrel. The exit erupted in a blue explosion disrupting the formation. Tanks, trucks and men flew everywhere from the blast some even vanishing from where they stood. Before any of the men could gain their bearing Shirou appeared at the entrance causing the reminantes to run in fear. Like insects on a wall they scattered. The tank he had smelt the general inside was burning yet the man's scent was missing. He had vanished almost completely, a thin line of his scent headed off towards the Medical Center. Shirou followed the faint sent. It felt wrong, how could a human go so far so fast? Before Shirou could piece the puzzle together he turned the corner to a horrifying familiar scent. The General stood at the gates of the medical center, a service pistol to Michirus' head. “Calm down mut or your cute assistant gets it.” Shirou growled at the sight of the man holding Michiru by her hair. She looked almost dead, blood dripping from several blood soaked bandages that covered her body and a small plastic label stapled into her ear like she was common cattle. He was  filled with rage at the very sight. The normally vibrant girl was whimpering in pain, the very real fear in her quaking voice as she called out to him. “RUN SHIROU!” The general smirked, pointing the gun at shirou and firing. Instead of a bullet a syringe of liquid shot into him. Quickly filling his veins.

    Shirou couldn’t even process everything when a blast of golden energy sent him flying sideways, the familiar sight of Allens god form walked up from behind the general. “Don't let the mutt disgrace us this time Allen, unless you want me to get involved.” The general said coldly an odd hiss to his voice. Allen growled in response, suddenly shooting forward over towards Shirou who was already getting to his feet. He clashed with Allen quickly overpowering the scared wolf. As they scuffled crashing through buildings and cars leaving a path of ruble and destruction an odd feeling filled shirou, like his body was slowly losing control. Every movement getting harder and harder to command before his hind legs suddenly gave out going limp. As he struggled to keep up his resistance Allen stepped on his neck aiming all three of his heads at the wolf below him. Allen began to power up a blast  when the crys of Michiru caught his attention, she had broken free and was already rushing over to save her silver wolf. Allen seemed to hesitate before closing his mouths. His eyes looked at Michiru then too Shirou, fear filled his eyes. Not even a second later a flash of red knocked him off Shirou as a monstrous looking Komodo dragon bit into one of the golden wolfs heads promptly ripping it off as the other two whimpered out in pain.
     "Your a disgrace to the pure bloodline!" The komodo hissed, spitting out the head as Allen stumbled backwards. His own legs giving out from his weight as venom filled his bloodstream. Shiro knew the General had something off about him, but both this big. Again he had failed to notice the faint traces of a pure breds true form. "It's okay Allen you won't die yet not until we find a replacement for you. At least you can serve your kind one more time." Allen had a look of fear in his eyes as General Shiru stepped closer, his long lizard tongue licking his chops. Shiro opened his mouth blasting him with a quick beam of blue energy before his body went limp. The concentrated venom dose finally paralyzing him completely. General Shiru was flying away from Allen crashing into a building, his glowing red mass disappearing as it collapsed onto him. Michiru ran up to Shirou clinging to his snout. Her eyes full of worry and fear felt like a boost of power. He couldn't stand the fear he wanted to see a bright smile back on her face. His blood boiled as his regeneration begin to kick in, a clear liquid oozing from his mouth as his body got rid of the venom anyway possible. Just as he started to stand the building burst apart with a beam of red energy. The now, furios General Shiru slithered out going straight for Shirou. He braced himself getting ready for impact. He didn't have time to return an attack and defend Michiru, not with the speed of the General. Clenching his teeth he stood between Michiru and the general.

    A beam of golden energy  suddenly blasted the general away sending him flying into another building. The square around the medical center looked more like a warzone than a city block. Allen slowly standing up walked cautiously besides Shirou. "We are even now mutt." He said it with the same emotionless voice he tried to betray. Before they could break out into their own brawl the general jumped out of the rubble tackling Allen. He was clearly a trained killer not even taking a second before he bit down into one of Allen's other necks ripping it out. The once golden wolf was stained with red as a fountain of blood sprayed from his neck. Shirou lunged forward pouncing on Shiru. The general tumbled bringing Shirou with him. It was a blur of blue and red as both bit into eachother furiously ripping out chunks of flesh. Shirou wouldn't be able to win, not with the venom excreting from the generals mouth. "RUN MICHIRU" He could only hope to save her. Each movement was like lifting a building as he did everything in his power to keep fighting until he was limp underneath the feet of General Shiru. "Now you die mutt." He hissed opening his mouth a ball of red filling it. As it slowly built up in size Shirou closed his eyes not even with the power of his fallen brothers and sisters could he defeat this monster.

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