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    Shirou sat in the waiting room, slowly his regeneration began to flush the saltwater from his lungs with heavy hacks and his leg was easily ready to walk around on. He always hated how much his lungs burned after frowning, what scared him more was what Michiru was going though. Moments earlier he was informed by a nurse that Michiru was more hurt than he first thought. The reason for the fluid he originally thought was seawater was blood filling her left lung. At some point she must have been hit hard causing one of her ribs to break just barely piercing her lung thankfully. This reminded him too much of that night, that horrible night Nirvasyl took over his body. For a moment he could taste the iron rich blood in his mouth causing him to stifle a gag. Again he found himself in such deep thought over the tanuki he didn't notice a nurse trying to get his attention. “Sir, we need someone to sign consent waivers to complete a surgery, your wouldn't happen to be related or in any relationship with her?” 


    “What!? No we’re just friends…” Shirous' mind scrambled a short second before he calmed himself with a huff. His normal stone cold composure kept getting broken when he thought of Michiru, it was beginning to bother him, nothing had made him act this way before, as far as he knew. “But, I am technically her boss does that count?” He didn't know how much of this was true legally speaking but was more worried for Michiru to care. “Is it for her rib and lung?” The nurse nodded, handing him the clipboard normally the medical staff stayed in human form but from all the stress it wasnt rare to see doctors and nurses walking around in beastman form. In a sick way he was glad Allen exposed Nirvasyl before this incident or they would be doomed. “Would you like to be by the Surgery room? It's going to take at least twenty minutes depending on how bad the puncture is.” Shirou took in the options, sighing sadly he wanted to be here when Michiru woke up but he also knew she would understand if he left to go help. “I can't, I have to return to the rescue operations. Please if she wakes up tell her I’ll be back as soon as I’m finished. “Of course, thank you. I hope to see you again with more rescues.” The bunny nurse gave a smile before she sped off the clipboard in hand.

    Tugging his collar up, Shirou rushed to city hall. His phone was destroyed from the tsunami but he needed to help Mayor Rose with the rescue efforts she always knew where to put him. It was a short walk from the medical center to town hall along the way the streets where already being cleaned and things seemed to at least somewhat seem normal besides the obvious lack of water and electricity in some place or the missing buildings from the skyline replaced by smoke and dust slowly thinning as emergency crews go to work putting out fires.

    There was a large crowd outside the building demanding for answers why the Japanese government had not sent help. A few angry beastman were already being restrained as they got more heated. “Please remain calm, unfortunately the Japanese government informed me they suffered more damage so we would have to fend for ourselves. In the meantime I ask all capable of helping the rescue operations volunteers.” Mayor Rose was speaking from a podum resting above the grand stairs now slightly cracked from the quake as she addressed the angry reporters and crowd. Shirou quickly shoved his way through getting more than a few angry looks. Rose let out a sigh as she spotted him walking up and handed off the podium to the Chief of Police as she walked over to the side to talk with Shirou. “Ogami just in time! I need your help clearing debris in the city. Three buildings collapsed and we only have  a few more hours before anyone trapped under there is doomed. Shirou gave a cold nod as he started to turn already. “That's all i neede-” He was cut of by Rose. “Where's your plus one?” Rose was more asking to make sure Michiru was safe now that she had grown quite fond of her.” She's resting from wounds.” he snipped quickly, the pain of knowing she was hurt spilling into his voice. Mayor Rose nodded understanding what he meant. “I'm glad she's safe, take care Ogami.” Both turned retur    ning to their duties and Shirou took off in a sprint to the closest collapsed building.

    Michiru woke up, she felt a familiar drowsiness as the room seemed to spin. It was the same feeling she got from the painkillers after the accident her and Nazuna were in. The room was quiet and the lights were off. The sound of bussy medical staff guiding beastmen to rooms or operation rooms filled the outside hallway. The curious tanuki leaned forward before a horrible pain filled her lower rib cage. She let out a whimper as she returned to the laying position, her hands slowly guided down her… hospital gown, her clothes were gone, apparently. What happened last she knew she was dragging Shirou inland. Her hand stopped when she pressed into the fresh wound on her chest from the surgery. Using machines they cut into her ribs and repaired and pumped her lungs free of salt water and blood before returning her rip to its proper place. A thick brace wrapped her ribcage holding everything in place. A nurse noticed Michiru moving and stopped by to comfort the confused girl. “Hey darling, try not to move much. You're hurt bad. Here i'll give you your remote so you can distract yourself with T.V. if anything happens hit this red button. I have to get back, it's a busy day.” Michiru gave the nurse her usual glowing smile and nodded. “I understand, thank you.” The nurse most likely didn't hear her say that already out the door to assist patients. She sighed OW it hurt to even breath heavily. With a sad whimper she turned on the TV and Anima city News glowed on the screen. 


Japan was hit right off the coast by a 7.0 earthquake. What followed was a deadly tsunami that had damaged most remaining coastline buildings. Japan's government has said they will not provide aid as Anima city was not the most affected despite Anima city being the second closest coastal city to the quake origin. Mayor Rose is still attempting to request aid but government officials continue to deny her pleas for help. Please stay safe and pray for the Silver Wolf protect Anima city in its time of need. 

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