Big Brother

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      Shirou started to slip away at 7:00 from Michiru who was still knocked out. Unfortunately she wasn't making it easy in her sleep she had wrapped around him. He thought he managed to not wake her when the silence of the room was broken by her sitting up looking at him confused. "Shirou, when did you get back?" Shirou finished putting on his coat before patting her head. "Until you are well enough I'm going to be the generals civil advisor not you." He gave her a glare daring her to say anything on it as she was about to protest and defend herself. "I'm sorry Shirou, I didn't want you to worry more. I figured the last few days had been hard on you." She shrugged her shoulders looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Tsk, I'm starting to understand why you turned into a Tanuki." Shirou kissed her head ruffling her blue hair. Michiru of course was a blushing mess hugging him in response. "Shirou, be safe." He smiled, hugging her back, lifting her light frame off the bed a few inches. "Only if you promise to be good and focus on healing." Michiru nodded not saying a word, she was again close to breaking down over the fact she was trapped in her own body once again. The feeling of empty and loneliness only suppressed by the friends around her. Kuro landed on Michirus' head sensing her shift in emotions. "Krow" Shirou laughed, patting the bird's head. "Thanks Kuro" Michiru raised a brow curiously. "What did he say?" Shirou gave her one last squeeze before setting her back down. "He said he won't let you get hurt." Michiru smiled, smothering Kuro in pats and pets despite what he said being different though not off from what Shirou said.

"By Michiru, I'll try to make it home but I might be gone for a few nights." Michiru sighed nodding she knew this meant he was busy with more than just being an advisor. "See you then." 

     Shirous trip to the Town Hall was Brisk and of course Mayor Rose was still there before him. "Morning Rose." She turned hugging him as she whispered words only his ears would pick up. "This whole place is, bugged smell. " Shirou took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. The swirling scents of humans covered the room, small devices clearly designed to be hidden in plain sight revealed by the trail right up to them. "I see that's a shame. I hope history doesn't repeat itself." He leaned back a cold stare meeting Rose's fake smile as she nodded. "I'm glad you arrived in human form they already have enacted the no beastform. From what I understand the arrest already range in a few hundred." Rose gripped Shirous wrist until it hurt as she tilted hers exposing a faded tattoo of numbers. Shirou was pissed now. It was all making sense, there was no doubt about it these bastards were only here to experiment and hurt beastman."Hmmm who knows they might make the silver wolf come." Rose sighed, shaking her head. "I hope not, at least not yet. The silver wolf's appearance would only enact repercussions. I think we got this for now."

     "Good morning Mayor Rose, Mr.Ogami. I see your early Birds as well I like that." General Shiru walked up to the two his counterpart American General gone. "So Mr.Ogami, shall we begin. I would like to begin plotting out the Slums city plans." Shirou found it hard not to just snap and rip the man's throat out, still he would respect what Rose said and avoid starting a war just yet. "Yes' ' Shirou said coldly, his dead stare peering into the General's own stare, both giving off a feeling of intimidation just from how they held themselves. General Shiru led him upstairs to an office Rose had designated for him, it was near the top floor overlooking a majority of the city. The second Shirou got a view from that height his heart sank. The FOB had significantly grown overnight, concrete walls surrounded it as steel watch towers were assembled. His stomach rolled violently, it was just like world war two all over again. Only this time they had invited their enemy's inside. "So what can you tell me about the Nirvasyl incident?" Shirou paused not expecting the question, still he wanted to keep them in the dark as much as possible. "A disease outbreak occurred in Anime city, thankfully mayor Rose was able to find a cure before too much damage occured. What does this have to do with helping rebuild the city?" Shirou asked defensively. He wanted Shiru to cut the games and just finish his mission and leave. "Well the Japanese government got surveillance videos of the outbreak and two major things stuck out to the SDF. That would be whatever these are." A horrible quality surveillance camera had managed to catch the last fight he and allan were in. Thankfully no one was recognizable from the poor quality. "I was aware some beastman reacted different to Nirvasyl but had no clue some turned into beast this powerful."

     "Ahh I see….shame. I was hoping to meet such a powerful beastman to provide an offer to them. Now to the boring stuff. With our funding we will require either conscription of criminals or volunteers to build the Tennant's on schedule. I want to know your opinion on both." Shirou hated those words, the conscription of prisoners. Mayor Rose wouldn't be caught doing it on a million years at least for free…"If we are required to conscript prisoners for the building they should be rewarded for hard work by shortening their sentences." The general scoffed. "No offense but can wild animals like them even deserve that?" Shirous bared his teeth, this guy wasn't anything like Allan he wore his hatred towards Beastman with pride almost. "I respect you for being able to say your dislike for my people openly but I will ask you to refrain from talking about us as if we are lower than you from now on." Shiru smiled nodding. "I suppose I should keep in mind you have emotions and pride as well. I will run decreasing criminal sentences with the court system, I don't see a problem with it." The rest of the day was more of Shirou and Shiru butting heads and dragging on for what felt like hours. It was clear he planned to test Beastmans ability to dope orders blindly enforcing stupid laws designed against them during the martial law each one being pushed back until it was at least somewhat resonable by Shirou. "Alright Mr.Ogami it appears we worked through the curfew would you like a ride back? Otherwise I'm afraid you'll have to stay here." Shirou grudgingly accepted the offer home riding in the passenger of the Shirus fancy car. The streets were dead from the curfew and anima city was only populated by a few troops patrolling the roads. It felt disturbingly similar to France back in world war two.

"General Shiru, I hope you don't intend to use my people but if that is your intention. Consider this a warning, you will only be digging your own grave." General Shiru let out a scoff chuckling afterwards. "I'll keep that in mind Mr.Ogami. Oh and one more thing. Say hi to the Tanuki that's waiting for you upstairs." He gave a sly smile waving goodbye as they drove off. Shirou hated this. The General had all the power right now, still as long as nothing too bad happened they were fine.

// Sorry for long wait. I had this chapter written for a few days now just got caught up rewriting the next one 4 times now XD.//

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