Enemy's of the State

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A group of self proclaimed reporters had begun documenting the current situation in Anima city and illegally posting the information via Wetube to the internet. SDF forces tracked them down and from the official report, they were planning a riot. 

      Michirus' ears perked up as Shirou tried his best to be quiet getting into the room. Her eyes opened peering through the dark, glowing gree as her Tanuki night vision kicked in. "Shirou, your home late again." The faint light from Shirous open windows outlined Michiru as she sat up getting off the bed. She wanted to show how quickly he was recovering. No doubt thanks to her messed up half human half beastman genes. Shirou looked up, giving her a tired look, he really wanted to just escape into her embrace and sleep but Shirus words rang like sirens in his head. He had no idea what to do. He wanted to go and destroy the army right now, still Michiru had proven to him violence doesn't always lead to a good solution. "Michiru, I need to talk with you in the morning. You know what's going on I assume." She nodded her perked ears lowering, reality smashing through the bliss of being with Shirou. She wanted the warmth back, outreaching she hugged him. "Let's sleep, we'll need it. I have been wanting to talk about something too." She dragged him into the bed not that she had to try hard curling up together. Shirou couldn't imagine how he slept before, the last two nights having changed his world. As the day's thoughts and stresses eased away a random thought popped into Shirous mind. "Want to go on a real date after all this?" Michiru blushed hearing this and stumbled on her thoughts. "Wa!....I mean yeah of course! That's sounds fun." She took a few breaths before giggling into Shirous' chest, her tail wagging furiously. Shirou smiled, sighing in relief, rubbing Michirus' back. She deserved more but the circumstances had prevented him from properly taking her as his partner. "Goodnight." Shirou closed his eyes, squeezing Michiru in his grip one more time. She responded kissing his cheek and stuffing her head into his neck. "Goodnight" It felt like a second before he slipped away to the dark.

    It was a good night for Shirou despite the rough day of fighting memories and PTSD he slept soundly waking up to an alarm on his phone. He sat up, turning the alarm promptly off. Before he could get up Michiru pounced on his back wrapping her arms around him. “I need to take your place today! I need you to help me with something first though.” Hertone was oddly shaky , Shirou looked back concerned. His eyes met a terrified and clearly tired Michiru, bags drooping below alert eyes. She seemed fine the night before which only concerned him more. “What's wrong?” Michirus' eyes filled up with tears as she let her emotions release, the silence the only thing allowing her to hold them in. “T-hey were supposed to check in with me....then this came on the news.” She lifted her phone showing the Headline. It did not release until early in the morning long after Shirou fell asleep. Shirou put the puzzle pieces together immediately causing him to grab her shoulders. “Did you coordinate that?!” Michiru nodded holding up a book from the nightstand, sticky notes sticking out to annotate hundreds of pages. It was a newer one talking about how wars were being ended ultimately by public opinion. Shirou hadn't noticed how much Michiru was reading. A pile of books covered the nightstand each one annotated neatly. Labels like Insurrection?Guerrilla warfare, Shadow warfare made it clear what she was studying. Despite the fact Michiru was crying and her plan wasn't working perfectly he was never more proud of her. It had never been more clear to him she didn't view beastman differently from humans then right now. He reached out pulling her in for comfort. “Who helped you.” Michiru let out a couple more sobs stifling them with a sniffle she yelled at herself in her head for letting emotions get the better of her. “Nazuna and Pinga. The news report doesn't say who they got and neither of them have checked in.” Shirou hissed, a very short fuze was being put to its limits as he fought the temptation to decimate the army and start another Human beastman war. 

The fog of anger was pulled away when Michiru spoke again, her voice overpowering his inner rage. “We just need more time, people in the mainland and the United States are already in uproar with the actions of the military. If we can get video footage of them doing something worse they'll be forced to leave and it could help humans sympathize with beastman” Shirou finished it for her as her plan unfurled in his mind. He or Rose had only ever viewed public attention as a threat but now it was their trump card. “Michiru, you're a genius! I'll get them free and beat th-“

“NO, Shirou we can't use violence or else they win.” Michiru pulled back. She was calmer now but the red in her eyes and wet furry cheeks made it clear she was just crying. “Then how am I supposed to free them?” Michiru shook her head, her face scrunched like the whole world just laid on her shoulders. “We don't, we get them these.” She held up mini cameras normally used by investigators. Shirou was about to ask where she got them when he was cut off quickly by Michiru. “The Mink and I'll pay you back later.” Shirou grabbed one of the small cameras scowling at the small device. It was designed to clip to clothed and he had used one before though how it worked beat him. It seemed perfect and he was about to praise her again when the scent Human soldiers lining up to breach the B Co-op hit his nose. Shirou morphed instantly to his wolf form getting ready to run.  “Michiru!”He didn't have to say another word, Michiru had smelt the same thing and quickly shifted her arms into wings. In a burst of movement she grabbed Shirou and crashed through the window. As if in sympathy the Soldiers breached at the same time quickly raiding the building. The sound of yelling and doors being kicked in covered by the sound of the large studdy window shattering. Before they could celebrate their escape a truck opened fire with its mounted gun, ripping through the quiet morning sky. Shirou and Michiru couldn't react in time to dodge the barrage. The burst of bullets tore Michiru's wing to shreds causing the pair to crash onto a roof a few blocks away. Shirou wrapped around Michiru as their momentum was broken by an air conditioning slamming into his back with a loud crash. Michiru was whimpering and holding back screams of pain, morphin the wingto its normal tanuki arm revealing an oddly wounded arm, the transformation left most of her arm unscaved leaving her upper arm fractured from a single round and a gash taken out of her bicep. Shirou started to pick her up, not stopping to even think, using his godly speed to put a good distance between them and the soldiers. 

Finding a hidden alley he set Michiru down resting her back against the alley wall.Inspecting her mangled arm, his teeth clenched back as blind rage started to fill his heart, again he was pulled out by Michiru who had reached up to hold his face. Her normally soft hand was damp with blood leaving a mark across his cheek staining his perfect blue fur. “Shirou, take the cameras and talk to Marie. She knows about the plan and is helping us.” Shirou hated the way she was talking. It felt like she was implying her own death. “Michiru I won't let you die!” She couldn't help but let out a small smile, Shirou was always so passionate and she loved him for it. Tears welled up in her eyes as she placed a camera onto his shirt turning it on. “I won't die if I go to a hospital...but that means getting caught.” Her voice was getting slowly quieter, blood continued to pour from her wound. “I….” Shirou was lost for words, goddammit she was right, he hated that she was right. HIs teeth clenched as he softly picked up Michiru. “Yell for the Silver Wolf if you can't take it anymore, got it. I'll hear it I promise.” Michiru nodded, her hand slowly slipping away from his cheek. Blood loss was pulling her under and Shirou knew he had to act quickly. Rushing her to the ER drop off her blood covered his undershirt soaking through into his fur. Crashing through the ERs doors he looked towards the desk holding out Michiru. “I need a doctor now!” Unknowing doctors rushed over, grabbing his seemingly lifeless Tanuki from him and rushing her off to operate. Tears streamed down his face, once again the beastman were on the verge of war and he was watching his special someone leave his side again… ‘This time I won't fail them’.The waiting room TVs blared out as emergency alerts came on showing He and Michirus faces claiming they were terrorists on the run, before the nurses could turn he was gone already running off to find Marie.

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