Clingy (Cake)

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Calum: (4)

The boys were over at calums house and we were trying to come up with a new song but his daughter "y/n" wanted his attention so every 10 minutes she would come in the room saying hi to everybody then going to lean on calums lap

" can I help you little miss "

y/n shook her head no and just smiled looking up at her daddy

"well how about you sit on that little chair over there I don't want to hit you with bass baby"
Calum tried explaining to y/n

" no daddy I wanna sit here with you please " y/n said putting with puppy eyes

the rest of the band just cooed at y/n while getting back into focus for the song

" alright fine " calum said kissing her forehead whole y/n giggled

a few minutes later your mom walked in and said-

" come on y/n/n let daddy and your uncles finish there song " holding her hand out for you to grab

" no I wanna stay here " you said stomping your feet crossing your arms

" uh oh here comes a tantrum " Ashton mumbles while everybody laughed

" y/n come on, now " your mom said putting her hand on her hip

" noooo I stay here wif daddy " you yawned then starting whining and sat on the floor clinging to calums leg

" i think it's time for nap time your tired come on " your mom said once again losing her patients

" im not tired mumma " you protested and kicked your legs while sitting on the ground

you only ever threw tantrums when you were tired or wanted attention so you were doing a pretty bad job keep cover

" y/n I'm going to count to 3 "

"y/n you better listen to mumma" calum said as you looked up with him with tears in your eyes

" one "
y/n sat there holding on to calums leg
" two "
y/n didnt want to get introuble but also didnt want to leave her dads side
" y/n "
y/n just sat there
" three alright come on "

your mom picked you up putting her on your hip while you tried to get out of her grip screaming and crying reaching out for calum

Your mom brought you to your room and your screaming got louder and louder not wanting to go to sleep

Calum came upstairs to his daughter screaming and crying and it broke his heart

" I want daddy " was all you keep screaming so when you saw him standing at your door you reached out for him and he picked you up and you immediately stopped screaming

"well what a show" your mom said

Calum then layed you down seeing as you were almost asleep
But once he layed you down you woke up and started whining making grabby hands for him

"Alright somebody's clingy "

"nu-uh" you said shaking your head in the crook of his neck holding on tightly and for the rest of the day and you never left calums side

Your dad woke you up earlier then usually because your mom had to go run a few errands so your dad said that his friends were coming over

" come on baby dadas friends are coming over and they haven't seen you in a while " Luke explained to you but you just kept your head on his chest.
The doorbell rang your dad was going to leave you in your high chair but you whined and insisted him taking you with him so when he did you were scared by the loud boys who were on the other side of the door

" hey man how are you " Harry said hugging Luke then rubbing your back but you just put your head on Luke's chest

Once all the boys were in the house they were sitting down and the couch when Niall said he had a surprise for you. You loved surprises so he went out to the car and came back with a very cute little bunny. You loved it but was to shy to say thank you

" what do you say y/n/n "

"Fank you" you said quietly with a smile holding the bunny close to you

Luke made you give him a hug which you were kind of ok with because you loved hugs

"can I carry her" Louis asked but while Luke passed you to Louis you weren't to happy

" no daddy, no " you whined reaching for Luke

Luke took you back but you quickly clung to him like a koala

" hey Louis not gonna hurt you he's a very nice guy he just wants to say hi " Luke told you but you were quiet hesitant to go over to him

" it's alright mate we will try later maybe " Louis said feeling bad for you

Luke simply nodded and went back to watching spongebob

a few minutes later Luke had to go to the bathroom and left you on the floor playing with your blocks

" dada no go " you whined reaching for him

He quickly turned around going to the bathroom leaving your crying on the floor

" hey hey hey it's alright love " Harry tried calming you down but you just kept screaming

"I want dada" "dada come back"
"dada no leave me" "dada come"

Soon enough Luke came back taking you from Harry and sitting on the couch with you stuck to him while you calmed down.

You held the bunny Niall gave you while sucking your thumb and laying your head on your dada lap watching him play games

" dada " you called for him

"yes baby girl" he answered looking down at you

" where did Louis go dada " you asked

" he went to the bathroom "

You got up from the couch with your bunny still in your hand

And waited for Louis to come out and when he did he smiled at you and you made grabby hands for him to pick you up.

He carried you out to the living room saying " look who I found "

He put you back down and you ran back to your dad clinging on to him.

Soon your mom came back and you cuddles with her for a bit until you wanted to go back with Luke and for the rest of the day you stuck with him but made small talk with the other boys

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