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Sharon's Pov

Once I had changed, I headed downstairs into the front room where I found Justin curled up under a blanket watching Sons Of Anarchy. He looked up at me, smiled then patted the couch next to him. I sat down and Justin cuddled up closer to me before pulling the blanket back over us.
"I missed you." He said before resting his head on my chest.
"I've only been gone for a couple of days to get my things and see Trixie."
"I know." Justin Replied as he clicked play and I turned to face the television where Charlie Hunnam was talking to Marilyn Manson.
"Hey." Justin looked up at Brooke before placing his head back on my chest. "What do you want?"
"I am allowed in here; it is the family room." Brooke replied as she sat in the vacant armchair.
"Just be quiet then we're trying to watch Sons of Anarchy."
"It's a shit show."
"How dare you insult Sons; we can no longer be friends." I said as I crossed my arms causing Justin to fall slightly.
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry." Brooke said as she laughed and crossed her own arms. "But what happens if I didn't want to be friends?"
"Then I'm offended."
"How terrible."
"Are you two gonna keep talking through my show?" Justin said as he paused the TV.
"I'm sorry."
"Should be."
"Whatever." Brooke said before leaning back and unlocking her phone.
"Thank you." Justin said as he pressed play once more.
"How long have you two been together?" Brooke asked as she placed her phone face-down on the arm of the chair. Justin sighed and chucked the TV remote on the coffee table.
"I only wanted to know how long you'd been together."
"Three days."
"And did you like each other before then?"
"No Sharon hated me up until the end of school."
"That is not true!" I protested.
"Are you sure about that?" Justin smirked as he looked up at me.
"I hated most people to be honest and let me remind you that you were the one who hated me before the dance."
"True but she was always so moody at school and could make you a social outcast in a minute, so everyone was scared of her."
"Okay that's pretty amazing but if you're cool and Justin is-" Brooke looked Justin up and down, "-Justin how did you end up together?"
"We've been talking all term; we've been friends for a while."
"I wasn't talking to you." Brooke snapped at Justin.
"We talked a lot, and I told him things I haven't told anyone, not even my closest friends, before I even met him."
"Ooh like what?"
"That's for us to know anyway why are you so interested?"
"I just want to know all the details."
"I have a question." I said.
"Can I have the end of the stripper cat story now?"
"Stripper cat?" Brooke asked raising her eyebrows.
"Yeah it was a shit story at the time but now feels like I good time to hear the end."
"You're not gonna get to hear the end."
"You two are weird."
Justin's phone started ringing on the coffee table and Brooke chucked it at him. "Hiieee." He rolled his eyes at me and sighed. "Yes, what she text you earlier is true."
"Is it her?" I whispered and Justin just nodded.
After a few minutes I took the phone from his hand.
"Bitch take a fucking hint. Justin is gay and spends most of his time in women's clothes. You don't have a chance of being fucked by him unlike myself." The bus driver made a comment and asked me to pass on a message, "I'll be sure to tell him but just know he doesn't want you, he has me to do that." I hung up and handed Justin his phone back.
"What the fuck just happened?" Brooke asked looking from Justin to me.
"His bus driver girlfriend is an annoying bitch who won't take a hint and piss off and also," I said turning to Justin, "She says if you need someone to give you a blowjob you know where she is."
"For fuck sake." Justin laughed.
"You have a girlfriend?" Brooke questioned.
"Yes, he does."
"No, I don't, I have you." Justin said before kissing me fiercely on my lips.
"Okay that's too much break it up." Brooke said.
"Or you could leave us to it?"
"This the family room, where the family gather."
"What are you two arguing about now?" Pam said as she entered the small living room wearing a flour covered apron.
"Those two won't get a room." Brooke Moaned.
"I thought I said no funny business Justin?"
"We only kissed." Justin moaned as he crossed his arms across his chest.
"And you were going on about giving you a blowjob." I snorted with laughter as Pam shook her head trying not to laugh herself.
"Oh God, what am I going to do with you?"
"Sharon doesn't believe in God."
"What do you believe in then?" Brooke asked.
"Gay divorce."
"You're strange."
"Why thank you."
"Right all of you bed." Pam said as she held the door open with her foot and placed her hands on her hips.
"But mom-"
"No buts, upstairs now." The three of us all said goodnight before traipsing upstairs.
When we reached the landing, Brooke turned to face us, "Okay I'm telling you both now, I don't want to be hearing things."
"I hear you and Will all the time."
"Who's Will?"
"Brooke's boyfriend, he looks like a right dick."
"Oh, shut up you don't hear us."
"I really do."
"Is that what you get off to?" Brooke smirked.
"Actually, he gets off to my Instagram photos."
"Shut up!"
"But you admitted it yourself!" I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my chin on his shoulder.
"On that note I'm going to bed." Brooke shut her bedroom door and Justin turned around in my arms, so he was facing me.
"I might have a slight issue."
"I can tell."
"Can we you know..."
"That works for me."
"It's not too soon?"
"There's no such thing." Justin pressed his lips against me, and I kissed but just as fiercely.


"I like you."
"That's good, if I thought you hated me, I wouldn't have fucked you."
"Do you really like me?"
"Yeah, why?"
"So, you don't just feel sorry for me because I have a crush on you?"
"I promise I don't feel sorry for you so stop asking that."
"That's the second promise you've made in three days."
"I know, you must be doing some sort of voodoo."
"Go on."
"You up for a Netflix night?"
"Of course."

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