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Justin:  Answer bitch

Justin:  It's been three weeks and you haven't spoken to me

Justin:  I miss you ☹

Go see Melanie  :Aaron

Justin:  I want you

 Too bad  :Aaron

Justin:  It wasn't me that removed you!

You could've added me back :Aaron

Justin:  I didn't even bother replying

Sure  :Aaron

Go tell her stories  :Aaron

About a  :Aaron

Stripper cat  :Aaron

Justin:  NO!

Justin:  NEVER!

Justin:  That's our thing

Shame  :Aaron

Justin:  Baby don't be like this

Justin:  I love you

And Melanie  :Aaron

loves you  :Aaron

Justin:  Baby...

Don't baby me  :Aaron

Justin:  Sexy bitch?

Piss off  :Aaron

Justin:  Sweetcheeks?

Leave me alone  :Aaron

Our wedding is off  :Aaron

Cerrone was looking  :Aaron

Forward to it  :Aaron

I even got him  :Aaron

A little bow tie  :Aaron

He was excited  :Aaron

To wear it  :Aaron

Justin:  Don't bring him into this

Justin:  He doesn't deserve it

Justin:  You know what I'm coming over

No one is in  :Aaron

Justin:  Where are you?

Waiting for my  :Aaron

Counselling session  :Aaron

Justin:  You should've said!

Why?  :Aaron

Justin:  I care about you

You care about  :Aaron

Melanie more  :Aaron

Justin:  Ugh 

Justin:  You know what 

Justin:  That's it

Justin:  I've had enough

Justin: Call me when you grow up 

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