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Baby?  :Aaron

I'm sorry  :Aaron

Justin:  Who is this?

What?  :Aaron

Justin:  Who is this?

It's Aaron  :Aaron

Justin:  Oh right

You deleted my number? :Aaron

It's only been a week  :Aaron

Justin:  Seems like it

I'm sorry about what I said :Aaron

I didn't mean it :Aaron

I love you so so much  :Aaron

You mean so much to me :Aaron

And you've helped  :Aaron

Me so so much  :Aaron

Justin: I knew you'd come crawling back

Justin:  Begging for forgiveness

Justin:  Lasky is great and helped you so fucking much

Justin:  You just threw it back in her face you twat

Justin:  And it was me who deleted your fucking number

Who is this?  :Aaron

Justin:  Who do you think?

Willam?  :Aaron

Justin:  Spot on

Justin:  And go make me a social outcast

Justin:  Who fucking cares

Justin:  You're not going to scare me like all those other people

Justin:  You hurt my friend when all she's done is look after you

Justin:  She's still refusing to tell me things

Justin:  She says its not her place to say

Justin:  You're lucky she's too nice to spread shit about you

Can you please give  :Aaron

Her phone back?  :Aaron

Justin:  No

Justin:  Now piss off

Justin:  Also don't message her again

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