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Alaska's Pov

I picked up my phone from my bedside table and clicked onto the chatroom app and my heart started to race as I saw some new messages.

I'm gonna start :Dead.Dandelion

By saying I'm sorry :Dead.Dandelion

I know I promised :Dead.Dandelion

I wouldn't :Dead.Dandelion

Leave you but :Dead.Dandelion

Like I say :Dead.Dandelion

I hate promises :Dead.Dandelion

They always end :Dead.Dandelion

Up broken :Dead.Dandelion

This wasn't your :Dead.Dandelion

Fault so please :Dead.Dandelion

Don't ever blame :Dead.Dandelion

Yourself for this :Dead.Dandelion

I just thought :Dead.Dandelion

At least :Dead.Dandelion

You can marry :Dead.Dandelion

Your bus driver :Dead.Dandelion

Now :Dead.Dandelion

And at least :Dead.Dandelion

I'm actually :Dead.Dandelion

Sleeping and :Dead.Dandelion

I can't hear them :Dead.Dandelion

And I'm not panicking :Dead.Dandelion

I love you so much :Dead.Dandelion

Please move on :Dead.Dandelion

But do stop by :Dead.Dandelion

And say hi :Dead.Dandelion

Every once in :Dead.Dandelion

A while :Dead.Dandelion

I don't want :Dead.Dandelion

To be lonely :Dead.Dandelion

Look after my :Dead.Dandelion

Imperfectly Perfect~ ShalaskaWhere stories live. Discover now