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Alaska's Pov

I stood at the bar in the packed club with Sharon next to me. She ordered more drinks before turning to me. "Here." I took the glass and sighed. "What's wrong?"
"I, I don't know how to say this."
"Say what?"
"You're just to clingy and whiny."
"You're ending things?"
"I get it don't worry." Sharon slammed her glass down on the bar, causing alcohol to splash everywhere, before storming off. "What were you two love birds arguing about, was it whose last name you'll take when you get married?"
"I just ended things with her."
"What?" Willam said.
"I didn't want to but that's the way it came out."
"I thought you were happy?"
"I was."
"I mean I hate her but why would you do that if you were happy?"
"I don't know."
"You're so stupid."
"Who's stupid?" Courtney asked as she walked over to us sipping a drink.
"Lasky just ended things with Sharon when she didn't want to."
"Why would you do that?"
"I don't know."
"We've only been at school for four weeks and you've already broken up again, wow."
"Shut up Courtney."
"I'm going to go chat up that guy over there." Willam said before licking her lips and walking over to the guy she was looking at. "She's such a slut." Courtney said fondly. "Don't you mind her doing stuff with other guys?"
"No, it's just what she does, and anyway I know I get it better."
"Sharon was pissed even when I kissed that stripper's chest."
"That's because she really likes you."
"And I've gone and done this, I'd such a dickhead."
"Well there's nothing you can do right now and it's not like she's going to go and chuck herself in front of a bus and try to end it all." Courtney laughed.
"Maybe I should go and look for her?"
"Just give her time to calm down, give her some space and talk to her again in the morning."
"You think that she'll be alright?"
"She'll be fine, now let's go get you another drink."

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