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"I made myself at home
In the cobwebs and the lies
I'm learning all your tricks
I can hurt you from inside
I made myself a promise
You would never see me cry
Til I make you"

the devil within - digital daggers

Professor Horace Slughorn was not only in charge of Potions, but he was also Head of Slytherin. As soon as he had seen that Varya Petrov would join his students, he was incredibly pleased. The power of her bloodline, although weakened by the years, was undeniable, and her transcripts showed that her mind was as sharp as a unicorn's horn.

Varya, however, did not take to the man as kindly as he did to her, as he had bombarded her with questions the moment class started.

"-and, of course, what else must we add to our Draught of Peace before completing it?" he asked her, trying to test her knowledge. Varya sighed, hoping that, for once, he would direct his attention back to his favored student, Tom Riddle.

"Powdered moonstone," she said bitterly, but her professor took notice as he moved on to explain the potion's purpose. She looked to her right, where Tom Riddle stood at the neighboring cauldron. He took notes of every word that slipped past Slughorn's lips, not even bothering to look down at what he was writing.

It was unfair, Varya thought, that he was so brilliant. She had to admit, however, that she had given him a run for his money in Care of Magical Creatures, her knowledge undoubtedly being more extensive. The girl thought it had irked the prefect, who suddenly started raising his hand more ferociously, trying to answer faster than her.

She found Potions to be enchanting, but could not help her annoyance at the teacher. He seemed to see his pupils not as bright minds that ought to be thought, but rather as prized possibilities to show off.

"Now, please go and get your ingredients," he encouraged them, flicking his wand to open the cabinets that lined the walls. Each student made their way and collected what they needed before making their way back to the tables.

Varya looked at her roommate, Ivy, as she set everything on their table then opened her textbook. Ivy, Varya had come to realize, was a force to be reckoned with, as she was a prefect alongside Tom. She was very feminine, moving with grace as she smashed down the ingredients, and she knew how to use it to her advantage. Varya's eyes caught a few boys looking at Ivy's golden hair and plum face, radiating an uncharacteristic aura for a Slytherin.

Standing next to her, she felt quite insecure over her eastern features and tanned skin. Varya was by no means ugly, but she had to admit she had harsh edges that most men would not be inclined to admire.

Varya looked over at Tom, wondering what he found attractive in a woman, and how she could use it to her advantage. Unfortunately, she had never seen him show interest in any of the girls that followed him with their eyes.

Tom turned around, evident to her questioning stare. "Yes?" he asked, still cutting the valerian root. Varya shook her head, embarrassed at being caught.

"I was wondering if your offer still stood," at his bored look, she continued "to help me learn how to master my wand."

His calculating look made her want to shrink and hide, but she held her ground and refused to be embarrassed by her need for assistance. They had been taught different curriculums, pages of ancient grimoires that whispered of tenebrosity and iniquity, with rituals of tumultuous chants that shattered any barrier of holiness and sank the soul into perdition, lacquering it in blasphemous layers.

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