chapter twenty-one

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If there was a generic statement that could apply to Slughorn, it was that he desired to surround himself with polished, bright minds— to create the illusion of aristocracy and intellect around him. Much like a dragon would, the Professor would accumulate everything golden that sat behind a desk in his classes, and bring it to his cave to parade it around.

Even so, Varya was surprised at the alumni that he had convinced to attend his Christmas party. Some of them had reached extraordinary ranks in the Ministry or had become renowned healers at St. Mungo's Hospital, but the character that completely stole the show was Newton Scamander.

He stood amongst the students, every pair of eyes on him, and he awkwardly avoided their gazes, shifting from one leg to another beside Slughorn. His henna colored hair was as rumpled as always, and he was the same man Varya had seen in every wizarding newspaper over the past few months. He had an oddly large vest, fitted over a white dress shirt, and his yellow tie had him stand as the lonesome Hufflepuff in the room. He was charming in his own peculiar way.

In his presence, the emblem-craved buttons that rested on Varya's sleeves felt more onerous, and she felt her arms hide behind her back as the powerful wizard circled the room, head slowly bowing at the students he passed.

Eventually, Slughorn ended up in front of Varya, Tom, and Malfoy, face already reddened by the select wine that was being served. "Ah! Some of my finest students, Scamander, you ought to meet them! This is Abraxas Malfoy; I believe you have heard the name. And, of course, Tom Riddle! He is Hogwarts' star, and many believe him to be a safe-guess for our next Minister of Magic."

"You flatter me, Professor," said Tom gallantly, then extended his hand to Newt Scamander, who stared at him before his eyes drifted to his hand, clasping it and shaking it briefly. "A pleasure to meet you, sir. Your heroism against Grindelwald is praised by many. We all hope that his dark reign will cease soon and that greater things are to come."

Varya did not miss the premonition in his timbre, the subtle way his voice denoted arrogance, and she wanted to roll her eyes at his appalling behavior. However, her gaze was trained on Scamander, and she watched with trepidation as Slughorn gestured to her.

"And this is Varya—" his words died on his lips, ultimately realizing the gravity of his mistake. Slughorn's hand flew to the back of his head, slightly scratching it as he scanned the room for an escape.

Varya looked Newt in the eye, resentment growing stronger with each second, then extended her hand delicately, gaze glistening with a lynx's pride, "Petrov, Varya Petrov."

Recognition flickered across the wizard's face as he took her hand and shook it awkwardly, then cleared his throat to relieve the tension. "As in Cornelius and Lyudmila Petrov?" he asked, and the judgment in his voice was telling.

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