chapter forty-five

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WARNING: graphic death, slight gore maybe, mature

The Inn's staircase creaked as Varya Petrov made her way downstairs, rubbing her eyes in an attempt to converge her vision. Sleep had not come easily last night, not after Tom had left in a hurry once he had finished applying her medicinal lotion. The girl had felt empty without his presence, and had stirred all night in bed from one side to another as her mind burned alive with one thing— him.

Her locks of shadows and ash were pulled in a delicate braid that she had pinned in a bun, and she wore dark trousers and a cotton blouse, so oddly looking for a woman of her times. Varya knew that they would be heading into the forest that day, and so she did not want to spend her time walking in a dainty skirt.

The pub hummed even in the early hour, with some guests eating breakfast, and she spotted Tom Riddle at a table in the far corner. He was reading a newspaper as his fork scrambled his eggs absentmindedly, and he had fashioned himself a marine sweater and belted pants, which made his azure eyes stand out even from across the room. His hair was made of the darkness spun by night spiders, and it fell in soft curls around his head, a mess of waves.

Varya saw a young woman approach him, barely older than her, and she stood by him with a flushed face and dreamy eyes, muttering something in English by the way his face moved in recognition. The Eastern's witch's abdomen tightened as the boy flashed the girl a charming smile, eyes moving slowly as he took her in— it was odd to see his facade after having been around his true self for so long.

The girl giggled at something he had said, then made to sit down across from him, and that was enough to make Varya march toward the table, "Excuse me, but I believe you are sitting in my seat."

The Albanian girl gasped, then her cascade of blonde hair ruffled as she hurried to move away, "I am so sorry— I did not know, oh! I apologize, miss!". Then, she ran away to another table, face red as she was surrounded by her friend's titters.

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