chapter forty-seven

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NOTE: Feel free to play the song I attached in the second part of the chapter. You will know when.

The kitchen smelled of pan-fried eggs and baked beans as Varya Petrov strolled inside later than usual. She had slept in that day, letting her body recover after such a strenuous trip, and she promptly smiled as she saw Icarus Lestrange grappling not to burn the food. Abraxas Malfoy was standing by the bar, mixing something for himself and watching his friend struggle with impassive eyes.

"Shit," yelped Icarus as a bit of oil jumped on his hand, and he dragged his hand back from the frying pan, then glared at it. Varya's high pitched laughter filled the room, and his almond irises immediately flew to her, a wan smile on his face, "Good afternoon, princess. I see you took your fine time."

Varya elbowed him to the side and seized the pan, knowing well that no pureblood in this house had any survival skills. They had been pampered their whole lives, and the only reason Icarus was cooking for himself was that he wanted to prove to Malfoy that he was capable of doing so. The witch threw away the burned eggs, then cracked open a new batch and let them sizzle.

"I barely sleep in, give me a break," she huffed before turning the eggs. Things were still slightly strained with Icarus, but she was making an effort to fix everything. Despite all, he was an essential person in her life, and she knew that asking him to stand up to Riddle was unfair.

Lestrange smiled brilliantly, delighted that the girl was finally talking to him again, then he threw himself on one of the bar stools and watched her prepare their breakfast. Malfoy threw the glass in the sink and groaned, "God, I hate it when I put too much whiskey in my coffee, now I am tipsy."

"As long as you do not do what you did in Prague."

"Shut your mouth, Lestrange."

Varya smiled to herself as she set their food. It was easy to forget that those boys had grown up together, had seen the world together. Although Riddle had brought them under one name, most had been friends for years and shared deeper bonds. It was funny to her, how some whispered that there was no friendship between all of them, yet it was so painstakingly obvious that they would all die and fight for each other.

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