chapter twenty

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Something had shifted between Varya and the group, that much was undeniable. If before, they would only chat with her when she reached out or when they needed something from her, now, they were everywhere. It was almost as if she had acquired an assortment of seven deadly shadows that followed her around the castle, always a few steps behind her.

She did not know if this was Tom's way of keeping an eye out on her, or if it was merely that they were all in the same House, but other people had begun to take notice as well. Now, there were whispers of a new Slytherin pure-blood joining Tom Riddle's ranks, and Varya did not know if she savored that label. After all, she had had enough of following cult leaders.

"So, as I said, if you could put in a good word for me to Malfoy—" Varya just stared at the fourth-year Gryffindor in front of her, not even knowing how to react, so when Della Beauchamp took over, she was incredibly appreciative for having the prefect Ravenclaw at her side.

"Piss off, Grunberg, that platinum-haired freak is mine, and my best friend will not help you put your nasty little paws on him," her voice was so melodious that Varya snorted. Nevertheless, she grinned when Della put a shielding arm around her shoulders, dragging her away from the startled Gryffindor.

Varya laughed as they walked away, "Getting protective over Malfoy, already?"

She was aware of Della's new fixation, and she did not know what to make of it. The Slytherin boy, of course, grimaced whenever the Ravenclaw would approach him, and Varya thought that it was precisely that reaction that Beauchamp was obsessing over. She was a pretty girl, and a pretty girl that was not a Slytherin was usually a very popular girl. That was her case as well, and perhaps, some part of Della did not like not being able to have the Malfoy heir in her hands. Although Varya doubted it would last, as the Ravenclaw girl had a new fixation each week, she was still worried about her.

"Here is my vision— when you get yourself a charming Slytherin boy to take you to Slughorn's party, Lestrange or Riddle, whichever one gives you bigger puppy eyes, I want my own!" she emphasized, earning a glare from Varya.

"Why would Riddle be my date?" she bit back, not fancying the way it made blood rise to her cheeks. "I do not fancy him."

"Right," Della said sarcastically, "but look, you did not deny Lestrange!"

Varya's stomach tickled from butterflies once again, "Can we not talk about that?"

"Has he asked you to accompany him to Slughorn's party?"

Varya shook her head, somewhat frustrated at the notion of not being asked. In some way, she had expected an invitation, although she knew it was only her egotistical heart looking for reassurance. They had not spoken to each other since her brief hospital visit, and she had begun wondering if his interest had only been part of Riddle's plan. However, she did not bring it up as she thought it would be insensitive, considering the recent news of a student being petrified.

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