chapter forty-six

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Her eyelashes fluttered open as she felt the first ray of sun hit her face, and her body was shivering all over except for where Tom's hand was around her naked waist. Varya bit back a gasp as clarity settled in, and her legs pulled together as she remembered the previous night.

She was insane, truly, and wondered what the boy would make of it when he woke up. Her tar eyes carried the glow of galaxies as she watched his sleeping figure. Tom seemed peaceful, collected, and dark eyelashes stuck together and covered reservoirs of marine blue. His lips were slightly parted, and soft whistles came from his mouth as he breathed slowly. His arm was still around her, and for a second, she allowed herself to nest her forehead in his chest, and his grip tightened.

His scent was invading, and it wreaked havoc against her pulse as it plunged, and his face nested in the shoulder for the briefest moment before his eyes shot awake, and he pushed himself away from her groggily.

Tom got up from the bed in a hurry, and he pulled a towel from the nightstand to wrap around himself, avoiding her eyes altogether. His hair was a mess of tangles, and she could spot the few marks she had left on him.

"Morning," Varya spoke shyly, then dragged the duvet over her body to hide. Tom grabbed his clothes from the wardrobe then dressed himself quickly, not sparing her a glance as he ran to his bathroom and slammed the door behind.

He was so crude, the girl realized. And her heart ached as she remembered how Icarus had treated her after they had spent their first night together. The Lestrange boy had made sure that he had not been too harsh with her, had helped her dress as he pressed soft kisses to her cheek, and then had sneaked into the kitchen to get them some treats. Varya missed the boy, even as a friend, and the way he had treated her. Even so, it was better for his mental state that they stayed away from each other for the time being.

The shower stopped running, and a few seconds later, Riddle was out in the room with damp hair that he dried with a white towel. He was wearing a white dress shirt and black pants, and he fumbled to pick a tie from his collection, yet jittery hands could not seem to knot it properly. He turned towards her, then approached without saying anything else, and pointed at his tie, almost like a command.

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