chapter forty-two

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All right, I was not going to post today because I have an exam tomorrow and honestly I have been feeling pretty discouraged about my writing. But I really wanted to address this because it was eating at my mind— I know this story is extremely slow burn. And recently more people have started reading it from the beginning, and have made certain comments about the fact that it is very slow. I get your frustration, I really do, but please keep in mind that I also update daily, so, despite the fact that it is evolving slowly, nobody is ever left on a long cliff-hanger.

Besides that, Tom is a sociopath. He will not immediately fall for a girl, and even if he does, he will not admit it to himself when love was the thing that killed his mother. It takes time, and that is my view on his character. You do not have to agree, and I am sure there are other stories that have different versions, but this is mine.

On top of that, I am very focused on plot building and dynamics. I could have made all of the Knights mindless followers that only bullied those around them and that would have made everything easier, but I wanted something else— it only makes sense that Tom would surround himself with people that are intelligent and gifted, not just any purebloods. So that also takes time to explain and frankly, my writing style is very metaphorical and dragged so yeah! I tried to give an experience of more than just romance, and it is completely fine if you do not like that, but it does slightly hurt and discourage my writing when people are snarky. And I promise you that their relationship will start building faster from now on.

 And I promise you that their relationship will start building faster from now on

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"—but Felix and I really want you to come!" Della whined as she dragged Varya outside the castle, their luggage floating right behind as their shoes stepped against fresh grass and frost.

Varya gazed at her from the corner of her eye, and smiled at the way her friend threw her bag in the carriage with her lips in a pout. She would be going back to her family over spring break, and had invited both Felix and Varya to her house. The Eastern witch had a different kind of plan in mind, and although she could not tell her friend, she expressed her apologies for not being able to attend.

"I wish I could, you know I do. Even so, I have to go back to Romania. There are things I must take care of," she tried to reason, but Della let out a sham cry at her answer.

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