chapter fifty-three

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The Great Hall had fallen into obscurity, the chandeliers shattering to bits, and the candles wavering into nothingness as Varya Petrov's Obscurus unleashed its violence on everything that surrounded her.

The Ravenclaw table blasted to bits, and the students surrounding it screamed bloody murder as they tried to scramble away in absolute darkness, unsure of what had started the attack.

Felix had stood closest to Varya, and had managed to protect himself by jumping to the side as soon as her scream had filled the room, casting a shield around the students that had had the unfortunate luck of sitting at the Ravenclaw table.

In the darkness, few people managed to see Varya's non-corporeal form. As soon as the shift had happened, the Obscurus had flown through one of the windows and outside into the courtyard, dancing amongst the darkness of night, seeking out a way to bring chaos into the castle and eradicate it.

That is all it took for Tom to get up to his feet, and between the mess of shrieking students, he managed to signal the Knights to follow him, wands drawn, and eyes enlarged as they pushed their way to the main entrance. The Slytherin prefect caught a glimpse of the teacher table, quickly casting a night vision charm, and saw the utter bewilderment on their faces. Everyone except Albus Dumbledore, who met his gaze in a lock of mistrust and apprehension, yet made no move to stop the seven devils from running outside.

The wind scourged against Riddle's face, a tornado of crisis and armageddon, and his curls tangled as shrewd marine eyes trailed the horizon with phenomenon. He flickered his gaze to Icarus Lestrange, whose skin had turned to snow— cold and drained— and quivering fingers gripped the wand in fear. Fear, yes, but not for himself, only for Varya's safety.

It was almost odious how much he cared, and it puzzled Tom, as the girl had been transparent in her intentions with the Lestrange heir. The Slytherin prefect turned away with rage, feeling as if the other boy was stepping in on his territory, trying to protect something that did not belong to Icarus.

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