𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊

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Growing up, Varya had been told to beware of the demons that lurked in the school's shadows. She knew, of course, of the creatures that sauntered the fields, their bloodthirst making them peek through the shut blinds, luring the children's pure souls to come outside and play.

Her biggest phobia had been the baubas, demonic ghosts who pried on innocence and naivety. Those monsters, although presumably fictional, hid inside of the castle- under their wooden beds, in their small drawers, behind the stairs. They only came out at night, and they savored fear.

She had never seen one, but the maidens that took care of the apprentices would always tell her stories. Her young mind believed every word, and for the longest time, could not sleep until the rooster cried out in the early hours of the day, making her come out from underneath her blankets.

Then, as she grew older, she started fearing ghosts less and watching humans more. She realized, eventually, that the baubas were nothing but a representation of the evilness that humankind had spun.

Ultimately, she found herself to be more alike to a ghost than a living person. She had always been of a weak body and a healthy mind, her tiny frame making her go unnoticed as a child. In her childhood, she had almost succumbed to pneumonia, coughing up for nights to no end until the village's healer accepted to see her. Even after healing, she would still struggle to breathe sometimes, dizziness becoming her reality more than an unusual occurrence.

Once her powers developed, she felt her strength build, but her presence had already been diminished. Varya was someone that was accustomed to hiding, to being a wallflower. She kept to herself, rarely speaking to people around her unless it was for class.

Furthermore, her presence was alike to a phantom as well, with slumped shoulders and tangled long black hair. Her face did not carry any light, and her dark eyes bore into those of her peers, emotionless and cold. Her voice was soft, much like a dream, melodious, and her skin was a translucent gray, weakened by the lack of sunlight in her castle.

Even so, her current state was uncharacteristically weak. Varya let her feet dangle off of her bed, too exhausted to drag herself onto it. Her head rested on one of her pillows, eyes closed, and she tried to breathe slowly, attempting to subside the throbbing pain in her temples. Still, she refused to go to the infirmary, not wanting to be forced to spend the night of Slughorn's gathering in a hospital bed.

Ivy watched her with concern from her bed, eyebrows downcasted at her roommate's obvious pain. She bit her lip, then got up and then dropped to her knees, looking underneath her bed. The blonde girl reached out with one hand, ignoring the disgust that crept at her as she felt the dusty carpet, and pulled out a small box.

She made her way to where Varya wailed in misery, then lifted her slowly despite the girl's avid protesting. Ivy helped her friend support herself on the bed's heading, then opened her box and took out a vial of liquid.

"Drink this," her honey voice let out, "It is a remedy against pain and sickness, it should help numb you out."

Varya grabbed in greedily, throwing her head back as she swallowed every drop of liquid. She wrinkled her nose in repugnance at its sharp taste but immediately felt the pain slip away.

"Beware, though, as it is known to make you drowsy," continued Ivy, placing the box on her nightstand, "It should get you through the night, but promise me that you will visit the hospital if you feel unwell again."

"I promise," answered Varya, slowly getting up and stretching. She looked, and the clock then sighed, dreading what was to come.

"Do you know what you will wear?" Ivy asked, making her way to her closet. She opened its doors, showcasing a multitude of splendid dresses. Varya gawked at them, mesmerized by their beauty. Her roommate giggled, then dug in her closet, pulling out an abundant, midnight azure dress. Varya marveled at its elegance, its silky material crossing over the chest with a darling neckline. A slit opened for one leg, and the waist clasped around her hips, making her shape stand out.

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