𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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"Secrets run deep when you're in a pit of vipers

Slithering, whispering, feel the venom poisoning me"

pit of vipers - simon curtis

"The Wit-Sharpening Potion is something that you might find to be especially useful, as it helps the wizard get a newfound sense of clearness. In the wizarding world, you will often find people mentioning it as an antidote to the Confundus Charm." Slughorn paced the room, some of his students' gazes following him, while others preoccupied themselves with making their origami frogs jump in unsuspecting classmates' hair. "Now, do not abuse this potion; it is not an academic performance enhancer. Furthermore,l will know if you use it on your O.W.L.s!"

A tickle woke Varya up from her daydream, and she turned around to scowl at an incredibly amused Icarus. He gave her a charming smile, teeth flashing, almost as if feigning innocence. His short hair had grown out in the past month, curling at the edges due to its weight. It fell over his forehead as he leaned over to pass her a piece of parchment.

The girl took it quickly, passing a glance at her professor, who was now scolding a student for making a paper frog hang itself from his wand, then opened it under her desk.

Are you going to Hogsmeade?

Varya wandered for a moment, thinking back to her conversation with Elladora. Her roommate had mentioned the upcoming trip to the nearby wizarding village, fawning over the many shops that sold carefully crafted goods. Petrov let out a small sigh past her lips, knowing very well that she would never be able to get permission from the woman she had grown up with.

As soon as Varya had turned eleven, her powers had begun showing without her permission, strange occurrences unsettling the villagers. The child had begun to see the little sparks of sorcery in the air, the darkness that spoke out from the woods, and just like any youngster would, she one day followed a trail towards the forest's heart. Her caretaker, Magdalena, had thought her dead when she did not show up for two nights, weeping at the thought of losing the girl she had grown as a daughter.

On the third night, the child emerged from the woods unscattered. She had followed the fairies towards one of their secret glades, trying to catch them as they flew past her reddened ears. At first, the fairies were not pleased with her presence, throwing little cones at her, but the girl persisted, smiling at what she thought to be a game. Eventually, they gave in, allowing her to spend two nights with them while feeding her nectar and small fruits, combing through her hair with their small hands, and telling her stories of their magic world.

When she started missing home, Varya bid them farewell and returned to Magdalena. She told stories of fairy dust and glamour to her caregiver, who was deeply unsettled by the child's worlds. Magdalena went to the town's mayor for consultation, who immediately passed his judgment.

"A witch! The Lord has forsaken us; he has let a witch grow in our village." he cried, demanding that the child be brought immediately and burned. Unbeknownst to him, Dalibor, the Dark Priest of Scholomance, had happened to stop by for his supplies.

He quickly sent word to the school's helpers, who came in the middle of the night, cloaked over their aging faces, and took the child in her sleep. Varya cried for days, demanding to be sent home, not understanding what she had done wrong, only for the Dalibor to lock her in her room. As a child, she would not know what had happened until years later, when one of the maidens that cleaned her chamber told her.

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