chapter twenty-eight

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The history of the Knights was one of old tales. It had been almost as if fate had wanted all six heirs of some of the most powerful wizarding families in England to attend Hogwarts in the same year, have them grow up together, their ingenious minds eventually finding a ruthless leader in half-blood Tom Riddle.

Tom Riddle has always been an odd boy, someone who had channeled his trauma into ambition, and had gotten entangled with the wickedest scriptures and spells. He was born to be a conqueror, and Hell would have no mercy on those who opposed him. He was wrath.

It had been Malfoy who had joined first, intrigued by Riddle's ambiguous heritage in their first year, and he had helped the boy trace back his lineage. At first, the idea of mingling with a half-blood repulsed the elitist, but when the boy understood that he was befriending the heir of Salazar Slytherin, he put his full faith in him. He was pride.

Tom Riddle was charming, and he had a particular lure to him that obliged the admiration of his fellow Slytherins. Above all, however, he was intelligent, and to those that sought wisdom and control, such as Nicholas Avery and Maxwell Nott, he was the archetypical villain. So the sociopathic butcher and the brooding cerebral archivist joined his ranks in their second year.

Maxwell had always been someone that possessed a profound desire for knowledge, spending most of his time in the Rosier library during his childhood, and yet it never satiated his craving. He always needed more, more, and more. He was greed.

On the other hand, Avery was the stark contrast to his dearest friend, and where Maxwell wanted more, Nicholas wanted less. He was a man of great potential, with a mind equally keen to Nott and Riddle, and yet he had taken another habit—the macabre calling of torture. He was acedia.

Then, Lestrange had accosted Tom after Riddle had defeated him in a duel for their Defense Against the Dark Arts class, investigating how he had perfected intricate spells at such an early age. Tom Riddle told him that he would show him, and engrossed the little devil in his preachings of magical supremacy. Moreover, Icarus had stayed true to his beliefs, up until a certain girl had made him question his ties to the Dark Lord. He was lust.

Elladora Selwyn had always been an indrawn girl, who deemed that magic had been tarnished by muggle-born witches and the immorality of wizards. They had strayed away from their actual power, too afraid to join the ranks of those who valued the dark arts. She joined Tom Riddle's group because of their shared values; there was no denying that, but there had also been something else that had attracted her to it— the boy she was infatuated with, Icarus Lestrange. It had been this reason that had pushed her into betraying Varya Petrov as she had, even more so when she had heard the boy's genuine affection for the foreigner. She was envy.

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