chapter fifty-two

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Before you read, I just want to say that this chapter is so lame compared to all of your theories. Enjoy reading it though!



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TW: mentions of death

The Killing Curse.

A spell as ancient as time, a curse that was considered, by most, unforgivable. Such crude magic had been born in the pits of Hell, where the Devil had used darkness unlike any other to give life to such a blasphemous charm.

When magic had first appeared with the formation of the universe, there had been no distinguishable line between good and bad— in Hell, only despair ruled, and everything else mattered less. Around the time of the Medieval Ages, Lucifer had grown tired of the way God proclaimed that magic belonged to healers and miracle makers, and he had set on a quest to prove that humans would abuse its power if given a chance.

Therefore, he sent out three scriptures— The Three Unforgivable Curses, one for each part of the Holy Trinity, in order to mock the Heavens that had banished him. That had been the first distinguishable difference between dark magic and good magic.

Even so, it was hard for wizards to perform such spells at first. The Unforgivable Curses, especially the Killing Curse, required a rotten soul, a need for vengeance and macabre that rivaled that of Hell, their birthplace. Because of that, only the Darkest Wizards were able to use them in duels.

It was not only a great skill that was required but also a deep understanding and intent. To take a life was no easy task, and using magic to do it was even more challenging. For people who felt no guilt, no remorse— it was to those that it came quickly—sociopaths that burned the world to the ground, the scum of life's cigar, the misfits.

And sometimes, being evil was not enough. After all, there was a reason Elladora Selwyn used potions. There was a reason Nicholas Avery used daggers. There was a reason Icarus Lestrange used tricks and schemes.

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