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"Haechan what happened to the— bro your hand, are you okay?"

Haechan shuts the both of his eyes, ruflling his hair. "Get out."

"Calm down, you're bleeding—"

"I said get the fuck out!" He yelled, making Mark walk backwards. Mark sighs, understanding that his brother probably needs some time alone. "Alright then."

Mark shuts the door behind him, leaving Haechan alone in the darkness of his room. Haechan sat back down on his bed, now knowing that to do or feel about this. One thing's for sure is that he's worried, very worried.

The next day, Hyewon came to their base because Jisung called her. Haechan is still locking himself in his room, he didn't even bother to eat or to treat the wound on his palms.

Hyewon smiled, walking into the living room with a plastic bag filled with snacks. 

"Woah, what's that for?" Jaemin asks, pointing at the snacks

Hyewon lifted the back up, showing it off to him. "It's for Haechan, I thought it might help."

"Woah, you bought him ice cream? That's unfair!" Chenle said

Mark chuckled. "He's in his room, I'm starting to get worried about his wound."

Hyewon frowned, looking at the older guy with a worried look on her face. "His wound? Did he injured himself?"

Jeno nods, sneakily taking the gummy bears from the plastic bag. "Yeah, he broke the mirror in the bathroom with his bare hands."

Hyewon sighs, walking towards Chenle's table to take some bandage, cotton balls, and betadine. She then walks upstairs straight to his room. She stood right in front of his door and there was no lights illuminated inside the bedroom judging from the darkness that came from the small gap between the door and the ground.

Sighing, she tried to open the door but of course, it's locked. Hyewon knocks on the door, but there's no response. Renjun already told her that, no matter how many times they tried to knock on his door, there's no response from him at all.

"Haechan, open the door." She called

No response.

She then remembered that he gave her the spare key to his bedroom, just in case something bad happened. She opened her purse, taking the small key, inserting it in before twisting the door knob open. 

She was right, his room was almost pitch black. The only source of light was coming from the dimmed moonlight, shining through his thin white curtains. 

She spotted him there, sitting on his bed staring at his big window. He didn't seem to notice her coming, so he didn't move a single muscle. He seemed like he's lost in his own thoughts. Hyewon smiled to herself, closing the door behind her as quiet as possible before putting the plastic bag on the ground.

She then walked towards him, sitting right next to him on his bed, making the guy flinch at the sudden movement. "Hyewon? How'd you get in?"

"You gave me the spare key, remember? Just in case something bad happened." She smiled, staring at his face. He looked tired, his eyes were swollen and it looked like he hasn't been sleeping. "What happened?"

Haechan turned his head back facing the window, staring at the full moon. "Just- some shits."

"Oh come on, let me see your hand." 

At first, he refused. So she took his hand instead, widening her eyes as soon as she saw the big cut on his palms. "Oh my god Lee Haechan!"

She get off his bed, taking the bandage, betadine, and cotton balls from the plastic bag before walking towards him again. "It's not a big deal."

Hyewon scoffed, applying the betadine on his palms carefully. "You should really control your anger." 

Haechan only chuckled, looking at the girl as she wrapped his palms with the bandage. After she's finished with it, she sets it all aside, now looking at him straight in the eye again. "What's wrong?"

Haechan sighs, pulling the girl closer by her waist. "How can I numb the pain for a while? Just for a while, that's all I want."

Hyewon's eyes immediately softened as soon as she heard those words coming out from him. He gave her a weak smile, staring deeply into her eyes. Hyewon brushed her fingers through his hair, smiling back at him. "Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it. Now tell me, what's wrong?"

Haechan sighs, looking down. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"What do you mean?" Hyewon frowned

"I keep on trying so hard to protect you, when I'm nothing but danger, I'm bad for you." 

Hyewon chuckled, shaking her head. "We're both bad for each other, but I fell for you anyways."

"No it's not that- I'm the source of the danger, Hyewon." He finally said, making the girl look at him in confusion. "What do you mean? Just because you're a mafia boss that doesn't mean—"

"No, Hyewon it's not because of that. But because the person who wants to kill you is my mother."

Hyewon widened her eyes, clearly surprised by what he just said. "W-what? But you told me that she died years ago."

"I don't know, but one thing's for sure is that she's alive and she's X."

guys it's my birthday today omg ahdhahhshah

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guys it's my birthday today omg ahdhahhshah

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