➶ 48

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"Wait, wait, wait, hold up. So you're telling me, both of your mothers are actually alive?" Mark asks, clearly not believing what's happening right now. "Well, maybe. It's not confirmed yet- about Hyewon's mother. But for Haechan's mother, yes she's alive."

Haechan sits down on the couch, thinking about so many things all at once. He's usually not the type to ovethink but this time he just can't help it. 

"What about the time loop? Is it like still like- going on?" Jisung asks

Renjun nods, sighing. "Yes, at least until this idiot breaks the loop."

Haechan glared at the shorter boy, scoffing. "If you were in my place, I bet you wouldn't even last ten minutes."

"Guys stop arguing, we need to focus." Jaemin reminded

"Yeah so what are we going to do now?" Chenle asks

Haechan looked away. "We need to find my mother." 

"And how exactly are we supposed to do that?" Jeno asks, sitting next to the boy

"My dad must've known something about her, at least once." Mark said

Haechan stayed quiet, still lost in his own thoughts. He's thinking of the worst possibilities that could happen. It doesn't matter to him if the loop starts again. What worries him the most is how many more chances he got until the loop actually ends. He needs to break the loop, not end it. If the loop ends and something bad happened to Hyewon- the loop won't start again. Which means, she'll die.

"Yah Lee Haechan! Are you even listening?" Renjun asks, snapping his fingers right in front of his face to gain his attention. "Right sorry, what were you saying?"

"This son of a—"

"Hey, hey, hey, Jisung. You're a child, watch your words." Jaemin scolded

"Jisung found out the way to track her." 

Haechan widened his eyes, immediately standing up towards Jaemin's table. "You do?"

"Of course I do, I'm the second ace." Jisung said, feeling proud of himself

Chenle nods his head. "Yeah, but we might need a little help." 

"What kind of help?" Mark frowned

"We need a bait." Jeno said shortly but clearly

Haechan raised one of his eyebrows, crossing his arms on his chest while leaning his body on the wall next to him. "And where are we supposed to find one?"

"Easy, there's only one bait that will work." Chenle said, glancing at Renjun for approval. "Yeah, only one."

Mark, who's still clueless, frowned again. "Who?" 

"Hyewon, Kim Hyewon."

Haechan widened his eyes, looking at Chenle in complete terror. "Are you crazy? What if she dies again?"

"If she dies again well what else can we do? Probably the loop will just start again." 

"But I don't know how many more chances I got until the loop stops, if the loop ends if she dies she'll die for real." 

"Well, he's right." Renjun nodded

"So what now?"

Mark snapped his fingers, suddenly getting an incredible idea. "It's not just Hyewon, there's another person."

"Who?" Jeno asks

"My father, who else?"

Renjun shook his head. "How are we going to make him as the bait? He sent some of his guys to spy on us." 

"Well that's easy, we just need some help from my friend."

"And who excatly is that?" Jisung asks

Mark smirked, taking one of Haechan's gun making the younger boy glare at him. "You'll see. But for now, we need to get ready. Shits are about to go down."


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