Mid-Way: Parent-Student-Teacher-Meet (1)

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"Man I am so nervous!" Prodigy said before giggling with Roc Royal, Taehyung, Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin. He was sitting next to Roc Royal in the dining hall for breakfast when he said that.

"Me too. I really hope that our parents enjoy our little dance. To me we all do really well when we dance together." Taehyung said with bright eyes. Today was the big day and all of the seniors were either excited, nervous or downright uncomfortable. They all wore sweaters with the school's crest on the left side of their chests. There would be no classes for the week.

Right now it was breakfast time and for once the entire dining hall looked really full. It appeared that most students came down today. It was probably because the breakfast was extra good today since it was a special occasion. Some seniors seemed to be unable to eat though. After all, not everyone's parents were exactly kind to them.

The first event of the day after breakfast would be a grand assembly where a bunch of boring speeches by specialists and teachers and even the headmistress herself would be given. She usually was not around for most of the school year but for things like this she showed her face. And everyone loved it when she did. She was 'a hot babe' as most guys said. Very tall and sexy. A woman who only wore pants suits.

After that, the showcases of the seniors' talents would begin. Most people would migrate to the exhibition room for that. The seniors in various clubs would show what they had been working on while in their clubs in that large room. It was big enough for everyone to be able to do what they wanted at once . . . well the art displays and science experiments could be done all together while parents walked around to see what their kids had to show them. Performances would be shown afterwards. The seniors who joined sports clubs would do their game on the field after the performances were finished.

The showcases would mainly be for senior parents but the parents of other students were invited to come and see as well and the rest of the school could come too. Most of them would not though. The parents were usually already too busy to even make time for the one on one sessions while the students? Well they would rather fool around in their rooms or get up to mischief around the school. If they came out it would be for the food. Lots of snacks would be distributed during the entire thing. Most of their parents would come by later for the one on one sessions with homeroom teachers and counsellors. That was how it was for them but for seniors there would be one on one sessions and a group session for each homeroom with all parents and students. This was done every year. The school had their reasons for it.

After the showcases there would be a lunch break where the senior parents and students could meet in the cafeteria to have lunch together. Not everyone abided by that. Some students would just try to avoid their parents all day as much as they could and some parents didn't even show up . . . the school board would always be offended if that happened. They tried as much as possible to remind all parents to come. Certain teachers would even show up at parents' businesses to even bribe them to come but sometimes not even all of that was enough.

"My neglectful parents will see what they are missing." Jungkook professed wearing a grin. "I can't wait to see the look on their faces when I strut my stuff and they realize that they gave me up for no reason."

Roc shook his head. "Jesy always tryna tell you that yo folks ain't bad and that it's in yo head. You should believe her bro." He nodded surely.

"Yes I'm sure she's correct about that." Jimin said. After their last dance rehearsal last Friday, Prodigy had started hanging out with all of them. It had made Jimin smile to see him show up to Tae's room where the four of them had planned to have their game day last Saturday. Prodigy had told him that he was ready to move on. The guy had not even been wearing his huge scarf. Jimin felt proud of him. He had been wondering for a bit why Prodigy seemed to be in better shape but during dinner on that same Saturday, Leigh had told Jimin that she had chatted with Prodigy and that it had gone well. She didn't disclose much of their discussion to Jimin but she did say that Prodigy was extremely damaged and insecure while being overly proud at the same time. She summed it up by saying; 'mate's messed up' and Jimin supposed that he understood. It seemed that Prodigy and Leigh were actually friends for real now and Jimin liked that. The class was arranged differently when it came to friendship groups now. He looked over at where Yoongi and Ray Ray sat together at a table by themselves. It made Jimin smile. He wondered if they really liked each other like Yoongi had allegedly been saying . . . according to Jungkook.

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