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Suddenly a loud knock startled them both.

Jimin had to spend some time in reflection before getting up to answer it.

Roc's heart was racing just by that noise. It sounded like gunshots and he didn't know why. He panted while turning to get a glimpse of who could be knocking. His hands shook. Sometimes they come into people's houses and do away with them. It happened to someone before. I'm in a boarding school but I ain't putting nothing past these cops. His breathing became even faster as Jimin turned the knob. He could almost see the police officers coming in to shoot hi- I got off too easy. "Ji-"

Jimin opened the door and Taehyung was standing outside of it with chocolate bars in hand.

Roc's anxiety dimmed only a little bit. His heart rate was close to normal but still too fast to be considered healthy. It's Tae. He watched and somehow couldn't hear as Taehyung came in and walked alongside Jimin back to the bed.

"I couldn't help but notice that the two of you kept becoming spaced out during school today so I thought I might bring you a treat and check up on you." Taehyung was standing in front of the two of them. He extended his hands with the two Hershey's chocolate bars and grinned. "Sweets always make me feel better."

Jimin was seated once again. "Ch-chocolate."

"Yes. You two like chocolate right?" Taehyung could feel the weight in the room. What had they been discussing before? Death? He hoped that these two fine gentlemen were not thinking of ending their lives. It would be such a loss. He saw such potential in both of them.

Jimin was having trouble letting go of what Roc had been saying earlier. I don't know . . . either. Roc Royal had so much to worry about and to deal with. I wasn't the one lying on the ground and yet I'm suffering so I can't blame him for sounding depressed. He felt like that frazzled thread too in a way. He was . . . different ever since that happened. It had been so scary. "Ch-chocolate. . . yes. We like chocolate. R-right Roc Royal?" He didn't want to disappoint Taehyung.

Taehyung moved his eyes to Roc.

Roc didn't feel like eating but Tae was being so nice. "Yeah I lo'e me some chocolate. Thanks Tae. You're so thoughtful bro." He took the chocolate bar and stared at it.

Jimin took his and began to open it slowly.

Taehyung watched them. Roc almost seemed to not know what to do with the candy. "If . . . you aren't up for a treat then it's fine. Don't hide your emotions from me. That takes more energy than handling them."

Jimin stopped unwrapping and so did Roc.

Roc set it on his lap instead. "Than-"

"But I have been told by several professionals that sometimes the best way to fight the bad thoughts is to keep doing what you love despite them. It's the hardest thing anyone can do . . . keep trying when they don't want to but . . . it could work." Taehyung shrugged. He looked around the room and spotted a rolling chair under a desk so brought it in order to sit in front of them.

Jimin twisted his mouth at the candy and decided to break off a little rectangle. He observed Roc now.

Roc did a half smile and then took off the wrapping to break off a piece.

Taehyung didn't expect them to try now. "So brave . . ."

"Let's eat it together." Jimin offered.

Roc nodded.

"One, two three." Jimin popped his in the same time Roc did.

Roc chewed and the sweetness felt out of place in his life.

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