Raw Skin

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Jimin was brushing his teeth and staring at his reflection as he did so.

He thought about Roc and what they discussed during the guy's session. So insecure. It really pained him to know that that was really how the tough looking Roc Royal felt inside. Could it be true that other young men of his race feel the same way? Insecure? He pondered.

Once he was done, he washed his face and then observed how he looked.

The boy touched under his eye where there was a dark circle. They kind of just stayed there after he started missing sleep to do school work back in the day. The work is so little here. I finish in a flash. So he had more time to think, reflect. But I do not like that so much so instead I exercise. He looked at his arms. His nightwear consisted of a vest and shorts. He was becoming more muscular than he ever had been but he was not even sure of how it made him feel. Who was he without all of his studying?

Jimin closed the door to his room behind him later, dressed in his uniform and heading to his first class. I skipped breakfast. He was not hungry for some reason. He didn't know why but he would not think too much. Maybe missing this meal would help maintain his physique.

As he walked off he realized that there was something which he missed, resting under his door. Hmm . . . He turned to face his door and then squatted to pick it up.

It was paper from a drawing pad.

The guy held it in his hands and observed the picture drawn on it.

It was a knife. A big bloody knife with blood dripping from it.

Next he turned it around and saw written in real blood; 'you have been warned'.

The guy did not even need to ask who had done this. Jungkook and Hoseok. He remembered Jungkook trying to get him to stand yesterday. What was the guy up to and why was Hoseok involved? Maybe they've formed an alliance with Prodigy. He needed to monitor this.

With that he left for class.


Perrie was holding a plate of food on her lap while facing Jesy in class that morning.

"I told you that I didn't want it." Jesy's chair faced Perrie's but they were a bit of distance apart. Jungkook sat on the floor in between them, allowing Jesy to play with his hair. He smiled like a bunny where he sat.

Hoseok was sitting on the table, staring at Jesy. Their homeroom teacher was inside but he was currently on his phone. He said he would start soon.

"Come on. You know that you usually faint during the afternoon when you don't have your breakfast." Perrie said to her strictly. Jesy had not eaten dinner last night because what they were having had made her feel like puking and it seemed that her nausea and disgust towards food stretched into morning even though they were having her favourite; Eggs, toast and bacon. And she acts as if it's not even a big deal that she hasn't eaten in so long. Perrie knew that Jesy had been active last night. The girl had gone out at midnight and that meant that she'd been out for the entire night. So on top of missing meals, Jesy had not slept either. She's asking to pass out during the course of the day. The last thing she wanted was to be worried about Jesy like she had been about a year ago. Jesy had been out for two days because she'd starved herself for half a month. That's when I decided to take me role extra seriously. She would not let this girl starve.

"Well it'd serve as a nice little nap since I didn't get to bed last night." Jesy seemed as if she had not a care in the world. She rubbed the top of Jungkook's head and smiled at him as he looked up. "Enjoying your scalp massage baby?"

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