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Ellie POV

I look over to Joel as he starts pushing the door open, slowly and very quietly. He's worried but he knows we can't last long here so we need to go. I feel a slight kick in my stomach and I put my hand on top, trying to shush the baby. I can feel my heart pounding. The morning sun is just coming up over the mountain, but it's still dark and fog fills the trees around us.

Joel opens the door all the way and there's infected everywhere, but none have realized that we're outside. The runners are too far away to see us but the clickers are right here in our faces. We have to kill them, and try to kill them quietly. Joel pulls out a shiv and kills one that was literally inches away. The clicker goes down without much of a fight, it does let out a small scream but the others don't notice.

A clicker suddenly stumbles past Joel and into the building, I quickly move to the side so it doesn't run into me. It starts clicking, trying to find me. Joel turns around, panic fills his face but I motion to him that I've got this. I know he wants to argue but I pull out my switchblade and ready myself. The clicker stumbles as it trips over some overgrowth from the floor but it doesn't fall. I walk slowly over to the clicker, I can feel Joel's eyes burning into my back as he watches to make sure I'm okay.

I'm within arms reach of the clicker and it turns towards me, it clicks but it still hasn't realized I'm here. I pull my arm back and swing my switchblade down into it's head, then quickly pulling it out and stabbing it in it's neck and chest. It's fighting against me and it's trying to bite me but it quickly falls to the ground. Blood soaks the floor and I can feel droplets on my face. I turn around and Joel looks relieved, then he walks forward with his shiv ready. I look back to the clicker that I just killed, it's clothes barely covering it but the overgrowth being the main cover. Crazy how something can be so deadly.

I walk over to the doorway and look out to Joel, he's already killed 3 of the clickers and the runners are still a little farther away. I slowly walk over towards him, looking out for anything that may be loud if I accidently step on it but it rained all night so the ground is mushy and muddy. Joel looks over his shoulder to see where I am, then he waves me towards him. I walk quietly and quickly towards him, covering behind a tree next to him.

"There isn't as much as we thought, but they may have spread out," He whispers. I nod and hear a runner to my right. It hasn't spotted me yet but it's getting very close. If it sees me and alerts, we could be done for.

I pull out my pistol, just in case. Joel does the same and looks around, seeing how many are around. I feel another kick in my stomach but I try not to pay any attention to it. I can't lose focus.

The runner spots me and yells out, the other runners are alerted and start running towards Joel and I. I cock my pistol and shoot the runner in the head, he drops and another one is right behind him. I continue to shoot at the runners and I can hear Joel shooting as well. More clickers start appearing from the woods.

"Joel!" I yell out, pointing to the clickers.

"Ellie, run!" He yells and points back towards the road where we were traveling yesterday before we rested in the building. I can hear Joel continue to shoot the infected as we run from them.

I run towards the road, realizing that I can't run that fast or as fast as I used to be able to. My body has gone through so much, I'm surprised that I'm still walking. I push myself, trying to outrun the clickers. Joel is right behind me and he catches up to me, almost outrunning me. He sticks right beside me as we run towards the road. A runner catches up to us and grabs my backpack, pulling me backwards. I fall down and the air gets knocked out of me.

Joel instantly tries to shoot but he's all out of ammo. Frustrated, he pulls the runner off of me and punches it hard. He continues to punch the runner until it finally falls to the ground, dead. Joel helps me back up, brushing the dirt off me and we keep running.

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