Stupid Eidetic Memory

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Reid racked his brain for possibilities over how this unsub had managed to pull off what he had. They arrived at the crime scene in no time with Morgan behind the wheel. They walked towards the house, pushing the gates open.

"Sheriff," Morgan greeted as they walked into the house.

"Ah, thank you for coming so quickly," Sheriff Leon grinned, outstretching his hand for Morgan to shake. "I'm Sheriff Leon."

"SSA Derek Morgan and Dr. Spencer Reid," Morgan introduced the two men, Reid waving at the sheriff.

"Glad you're here," the sheriff nodded. "My men haven't touched nor moved anything on the scene. The bodies are in the living room," he walked in that direction, the two FBI agents following close behind.

Both Morgan and Reid inspected the scene carefully, slipping on their blue latex gloves as they searched.

"Were the chairs pointed in this direction?" Morgan raised his eyebrows at the detective.

"As I said before, my men haven't moved a thing in here," he reassured the wary agent.

"The unsub wanted them to watch," Reid said as he stood behind the chairs, looking at the bodies. "He wanted them to watch as they bled out."

"So he's sadistic," Morgan sighed, "When are they not?" he shook his head as he peered at the corpses.

"How were you contacted if both males were tied down?" Reid asked.

"A neighbor came in to check on them because they hadn't gone over to pick up their daughter. The children were taken together by Mrs. Adams and when she never showed, she came to knock but the door was left unlocked and she saw them," Leon explained.

"And no one heard any sort of noise or commotion?"

"My officers have already asked around and none of them heard anything out of the ordinary."

After a long day of profiling and interviewing, they called it a night as they hadn't come close to any sort of conclusion nor were they able to deliver a strong profile. The team decided they would do it in the morning as a fresh and rested brain could connect more dots.

"Sleep well, everyone. We'll all meet down in the lobby at 8 in the morning," Hotch nodded as everyone separated into their hotel rooms. Unfortunately, since it was still tourist season, hotels were all overbooked and some of the agents had to share.

Hotch and Rossi had both gotten their own rooms, JJ and Emily shared a room which left Morgan and Reid to share one as well.

"Reid, what're you doing?" Morgan questioned as they walked into their room and he watched as the doctor walked around the room in a circle.

"Did you know that over 50% of hotels have unauthorized footage of guests in their rooms? There have been several debates over whether or not cameras should be allowed in a guest's room because it can be considered a violation of privacy and..." the young genius continued and Morgan simply listened to his little rant. He didn't mind when Reid would go on these tangents, he secretly liked them and could hear him talk for hours and hours of nonsense and would still be entertained. Of course, he'd never admit to any of that because he was still confused as to why he enjoyed hearing him talk.

"Well, it doesn't matter whether they're watching us right now. I'm planning on knocking out," Morgan chuckled once Reid had finished.

"But what if-" Morgan shook his head with a smile, standing from his previous seat and placing his hands on Reid's shoulders.

"Relax, get some sleep, Pretty Boy. I have a feeling we're gonna need it," Morgan urged the younger man and Reid huffed silently but agreed. He simply nodded, not trusting his words whilst Morgan was touching him. He knew that he had somehow developed some sort of feelings for Morgan over the years and he just hadn't ever decided to act on them because he knew his best friend. He was a ladies man and Morgan was one to be able to have anyone he wanted with a smile and a wink with his charming personality.

Morgan shamelessly stripped off his clothing, jumping into his bed in only his briefs, closing his eyes and falling asleep almost instantly. Reid couldn't help but blush when he saw the bare torso of the muscled man in front of him. He licked his lips nervously and removed his own clothing, stepping into his pajamas before snuggling into his comforter.

Please don't let me have any nightmares, Reid thought to himself as he closed his eyes. He was tired of not being able to sleep normally because whenever he closed his eyes, flashbacks of everything that had happened to him flashed before him vividly. Stupid eidetic memory, the slender man cursed in his head.

stay sweet x

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