You're Going To Choke

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"I don't know what was more interesting," they walked out of the room. "The movie or your flawless translating. Ever think of switching jobs at the bureau?" Derek teased.

"Hey, at least you understood what was going on," Spencer pouted.

"Not really, I spent most of the time just staring at you," he shrugged casually and Spencer's cheeks flushed.

"The movie was more interesting," he disagreed.

"Nah," he shook his head, patting my cheek gently. "Definitely you, baby. But where to now?" he asked, looking around the large center. Spencer pursed his lips together. They didn't have many off days and it wouldn't have been fair to spend it on something only Reid liked.

"Do you want to leave? I really only wanted to watch one movie," he suggested.

"If you want to stay longer we can do that," Morgan spoke seriously.

"I know," the doctor assured him.

"Want to grab a bit to eat?" he thought out loud.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea," Spencer nodded with a small smile.

"You feeling breakfast food or lunch?" Derek looked down at his watch that read 12:00 pm.

"Lunch," he shrugged and Derek smiled.

"Good choice, let's bounce," he took Spencer's hand and they left the convention/festival behind them. Derek found it rather boring actually but he was entertained by Spencer's voice and his face for the entire two-hour movie. Morgan pulled into the closest restaurant and they climbed out, walking inside and following the hostess to the available table. They placed our orders and waited patiently.

"What was your favorite part?" the brunette asked with excitement evident in his tone.

"Uh," I thought hard. I was listening to his voice but not really what he was saying. "The part where they electrocuted him back to life," I nodded. I wasn't even sure if that part was included in this version.

"Did you know that there are one billion votes of electricity in a single lightning strike? There are at least 100 strikes every second all around the world. It channels towards the ground at about 200,000 miles per hour and is about 150 feet in length or 47 meters when striking the nearest positively charged item. There are different kinds of lightning, of course, the most common never even leaves the cloud, it's just energy that's bounced around between different charged areas or clouds. There are other forms in which can be sparked from something like a snowstorm or even an extreme case of forest fires," he grinned excitedly, the energy radiating off his body.

"I didn't know," I smiled, taking a sip of the soda placed in front of me. "Have any more facts?" I asked knowing how much he loved to talk about things like these.

"You want to hear more?" his eyes widened, the happiness I loved to see, appearing on his delicate features.

"Yes, baby," I nodded. "Hit me with your facts," I chuckled, leaning back in my seat. He nearly bounced in his seat as he spouted more facts that I didn't know were possible to know all until the waitress came back with our food.

"Detka," I heard Spencer mumble as he poked at his food. "Detka," he said again. I frowned. What the hell did that mean? What language was that?

"What're you saying?" I asked curiously. I watched as his cheeks flushed and he looked away rapidly.

"I said that out loud?" he muttered embarrassed. I nodded, now completely intrigued by what it meant if he was so flushed about it.

"Yeah, what does it mean?" I asked.

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