Make Sure You Grab A Scarf

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"I still don't understand how you like shows like Dr. Who when you prove their theories wrong," Morgan laughed as he finished his plate. 

"I just try not to think about it and it's not that incorrect so shh, before you make me prove this entire show wrong and ruin it," he told him, leaning forward to watch the scene. Morgan laughed but stayed quiet. Spencer knew Derek was probably bored and that he didn't like the show but he appreciated that he was watching it with him anyway. As soon as the episode ended, he paused and turned to look at him.

"Your turn," the younger offered him the remote and he perked a brow.

"Reid, it's your house, we'll watch whatever you want," Morgan stated. Reid pushed the remote towards him.

"Just pick," he encouraged, standing up and picking up their plates, throwing them away and rinsing the cutlery before putting it in the dishwasher. When he turned back, Morgan was flipping through movies. He sat back down on the sofa and watched as Derek flipped through pages.

"I don't really know what I'm in the mood to watch," Morgan shrugged, turning to look at him. Spencer furrowed his brows in thought, going through every movie he had in memory to see if there was one worth watching together.

"What about a Halloween movie?" he suggested at last.

"Baby, it's September," Spencer was about to protest when a look crossed Morgan's features, waving his hands in front of him. "Sorry, I know you start Halloween September 1st."

"You remembered?" Spencer was rather shocked.

"Yeah, of course, I remembered. How could I forget? You put a giant spider in my drawer and I pulled my gun on it in the middle of bullpen," he frowned. Spencer started laughing uncontrollably at the memory.


Spencer grinned mischievously at his prank. He waited for Derek to use the bathroom before he quietly slipped over towards his desk and picked the lock to his private drawer. Morgan kept special case files in there so he wasn't invading his personal life or anything, besides, Spencer didn't even look at them. He pulled the large life-like spider out of his pocket and tucked it into the drawer, shutting and locking it before returning to his desk. No one had noticed because they were half dead from a recent case and looked like they were on the verge of falling face first onto their desks.

Morgan returned a few minutes later and Spencer watched discreetly as he sat down and finished the file he had been previously working on. It was late and only the team were still here because the director wanted them as soon as possible.

"Reid, what did you do?" Emily narrowed her eyes at him.

"What? Why do you say that?" Reid pulled his poker face.

"Because you've got that look in your eye like you're expecting something. It's September which means Halloween is coming up. Who are you pranking today?" she grinned. Reid smiled and whispered over to her. Her grin widened and she sat and watched with him, pretending to be discussing over the case.

Suddenly they heard a loud yelp followed by words Spencer hadn't ever heard said in a single sentence.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT IS THAT!" followed by words he'd rather not repeat. In a matter of seconds, Morgan's gun was pointed at his drawer and a shot was fired. Emily and Spencer both stood there in shock. Everyone hurried over from where they were to see what was going on.

"What the hell happened?" Hotch demanded.

"There was a--wait a minute," Morgan leaned closer to the drawer, seeming to finally notice it was fake. That was the first time Spencer had ever seen Derek Morgan blush. Emily and Reid both started laughing. They didn't mean to but they couldn't help it.

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